Accessibility Insights for Web


Website naam Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid
Organisatie Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid
Scope van de website
Conformiteitsdoel Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA
Verdere evaluatievereisten naam Evaluatie uitgevoerd volgens evaluatiemethode WCAG-EM
Getest op MacOS 11.5.2
Chrome 92.0.4515.159
Technologieën waarop gesteund wordt HTML5
Uitgevoerd door Connect Holland, Arthur Hoek op 31-08-2021
Geteste pagina's (rapport) (rapport) (rapport) (rapport)

Dit onderzoek is uitgevoerd conform de evaluatiemethode WCAG-EM 1.0 en Dit audit testrapport omvat alle 50 eisen van WCAG 2.1 niveau A en AA en beschrijft in welke mate de website van Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid hieraan voldoet. niveau AA. De website is geschikt voor alle gangbare browsers en hulpapparatuur. Testen gebeurt voor een groot deel handmatig en aan de hand van een steekproef. Ondanks alle zorgvuldigheid bij het samenstellen van de steekproef en het onderzoek kan het zijn dat een probleem niet gesignaleerd wordt. Ook kan het zijn dat een punt in de toekomst anders beoordeeld wordt omdat technologieën en hulpapparatuur doorontwikkeld worden.

Omdat het onderzoek uit een steekproef bestaat, kan het zijn dat een probleem niet gesignaleerd wordt. Het kan dan bij een volgend onderzoek anders worden beoordeeld. Het onderzoek is een momentopname. Als er verbeteringen worden doorgevoerd, kunnen hierdoor nieuwe toegankelijkheidsproblemen ontstaan.


Assessment report

This report shows the overall accessibility of the website or web app through a combination of automated and manual tests that cover all the WCAG 2.1 AA success criteria.


Test details

Automated checks
54 Passed
6 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
5 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Repetitive content
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
2 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Native widgets
5 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Custom widgets
6 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Timed events
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Errors / status
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Page navigation
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
1 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Adaptable content
7 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Audio / video
2 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
5 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Live multimedia
1 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
8 Passed
Pointer / motion
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed

Scan details
8/27/2021, 12:42:10 PM UTC

Failed tests0 Failed

Incomplete tests0 Incomplete

Passed tests142 Passed

Automated checks54 Passed

area-alt:0 Passed

Active <area> elements must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.1WCAG 2.4.4WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-allowed-attr:6 Passed

Elements must only use allowed ARIA attributes-WCAG 4.1.26 Passed
No failing instances

aria-command-name:0 Passed

ARIA commands must have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-hidden-body:1 Passed

aria-hidden='true' must not be present on the document body-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
No failing instances

aria-hidden-focus:0 Passed

ARIA hidden element must not contain focusable elements-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-input-field-name:0 Passed

ARIA input fields must have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-meter-name:0 Passed

ARIA meter nodes must have an accessible name-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-progressbar-name:0 Passed

ARIA progressbar nodes must have an accessible name-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-required-attr:1 Passed

Required ARIA attributes must be provided-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
No failing instances

aria-required-children:0 Passed

Certain ARIA roles must contain particular children-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-required-parent:0 Passed

Certain ARIA roles must be contained by particular parents-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-roledescription:0 Passed

Use aria-roledescription on elements with a semantic role-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-roles:1 Passed

ARIA roles used must conform to valid values-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
No failing instances

aria-toggle-field-name:0 Passed

ARIA toggle fields have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-tooltip-name:0 Passed

ARIA tooltip nodes must have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-valid-attr-value:6 Passed

ARIA attributes must conform to valid values-WCAG 4.1.26 Passed
No failing instances

aria-valid-attr:6 Passed

ARIA attributes must conform to valid names-WCAG 4.1.26 Passed
No failing instances

audio-caption:0 Passed

<audio> elements must have a captions track-WCAG 1.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

autocomplete-valid:0 Passed

autocomplete attribute must be used correctly-WCAG 1.3.50 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

avoid-inline-spacing:4 Passed

Inline text spacing must be adjustable with custom stylesheets-WCAG 1.4.124 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No failing instances

blink:0 Passed

<blink> elements are deprecated and must not be used-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

button-name:0 Passed

Buttons must have discernible text-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

bypass:1 Passed

Page must have means to bypass repeated blocks-WCAG 2.4.11 Passed
No failing instances

color-contrast:43 Passed

Elements must have sufficient color contrast-WCAG 1.4.343 Passed
No failing instances

definition-list:0 Passed

<dl> elements must only directly contain properly-ordered <dt> and <dd> groups, <script>, <template> or <div> elements-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

dlitem:0 Passed

<dt> and <dd> elements must be contained by a <dl>-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

document-title:1 Passed

Documents must have <title> element to aid in navigation-WCAG 2.4.21 Passed
No failing instances

duplicate-id-active:0 Passed

IDs of active elements must be unique-WCAG 4.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

duplicate-id-aria:4 Passed

IDs used in ARIA and labels must be unique-WCAG 4.1.14 Passed
No failing instances

frame-focusable-content:0 Passed

Frames with focusable content must not have tabindex=-1-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

frame-title:0 Passed

Frames must have an accessible name-WCAG 2.4.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

html-has-lang:1 Passed

<html> element must have a lang attribute-WCAG 3.1.11 Passed
No failing instances

html-lang-valid:1 Passed

<html> element must have a valid value for the lang attribute-WCAG 3.1.11 Passed
No failing instances

html-xml-lang-mismatch:0 Passed

HTML elements with lang and xml:lang must have the same base language-WCAG 3.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

image-alt:0 Passed

Images must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

input-button-name:0 Passed

Input buttons must have discernible text-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

input-image-alt:0 Passed

Image buttons must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

label:0 Passed

Form elements must have labels-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

link-name:39 Passed

Links must have discernible text-WCAG 2.4.4WCAG 4.1.239 Passed
No failing instances

list:11 Passed

<ul> and <ol> must only directly contain <li>, <script> or <template> elements-WCAG 1.3.111 Passed
No failing instances

listitem:38 Passed

<li> elements must be contained in a <ul> or <ol>-WCAG 1.3.138 Passed
No failing instances

marquee:0 Passed

<marquee> elements are deprecated and must not be used-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

meta-refresh:0 Passed

Timed refresh must not exist-WCAG 2.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

nested-interactive:1 Passed

Ensure interactive controls are not nested-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
No failing instances

object-alt:0 Passed

<object> elements must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

role-img-alt:0 Passed

[role='img'] elements have an alternative text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

scrollable-region-focusable:0 Passed

Ensure that scrollable region has keyboard access-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

select-name:0 Passed

Select element must have an accessible name-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

server-side-image-map:0 Passed

Server-side image maps must not be used-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

svg-img-alt:0 Passed

svg elements with an img role have an alternative text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

td-headers-attr:0 Passed

All cells in a table element that use the headers attribute must only refer to other cells of that same table-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

th-has-data-cells:0 Passed

All th elements and elements with role=columnheader/rowheader must have data cells they describe-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

valid-lang:0 Passed

lang attribute must have a valid value-WCAG 3.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

video-caption:0 Passed

<video> elements must have captions-WCAG 1.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Keyboard6 Passed

Keyboard navigation:0 Passed

Users must be able to navigate to all interactive interface components using a keyboard-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

No keyboard traps:0 Passed

Users must be able to navigate away from all components using a keyboard-WCAG 2.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

On focus:0 Passed

Navigating to a component must not trigger any unexpected change of context-WCAG 3.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

On input:0 Passed

Changing a component's settings must not trigger any unexpected change of context-WCAG 3.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

No keystroke timings:0 Passed

Components must not require specific timings for individual keystrokes-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Character key shortcuts:0 Passed

Users must be able to turn off or remap character key shortcuts-WCAG 2.1.40 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Focus5 Passed

Visible focus:0 Passed

Components must provide a visible indication when they have the input focus-WCAG 2.4.70 Passed
No matching instances

Revealing content:0 Passed

Activating a component that reveals hidden content must move input focus into the revealed content-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Modal dialogs:0 Passed

Users must not be able to Tab away from a modal dialog without explicitly dismissing it-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Closing content:0 Passed

Closing revealed content must return input focus to the component that revealed it-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Focus order:0 Passed

Components must receive focus in an order that preserves meaning and operability-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Landmarks3 Passed

Landmark roles:7 Passed

A landmark region must have the role that best describes its content-WCAG 1.3.17 Passed
Path .header-wrapper > header
Snippet <header>
Role banner
Path #content
Snippet <main id="content" vocab="" typeof="Content">
Role main
Path aside
Snippet <aside> </aside>
Role complementary
Path footer
Snippet <footer>
Role contentinfo
Path .main-navigation
Snippet <nav class="main-navigation animated">
Role navigation
Path .footer-navigation
Snippet <nav class="footer-navigation">
Role navigation
Path .bottom-navigation
Snippet <nav class="bottom-navigation"> <ul class="menu-depth-1"> </ul> </nav>
Role navigation

Primary content:1 Passed

The main landmark must contain all of the page's primary content-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.11 Passed

No repeating content:1 Passed

The main landmark must not contain any blocks of content that repeat across pages-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.11 Passed

Headings3 Passed

Heading function:12 Passed

An element coded as a heading must function as a heading-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.612 Passed
Path h1
Snippet <h1 property="title">Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid</h1>
Heading text Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid
Path .intro
Snippet <h2 class="intro">NPRZ werkt aan een nieuw perspectief voor Rotterdam Zuid. Wij focussen op:</h2>
Heading text NPRZ werkt aan een nieuw perspectief voor Rotterdam Zuid. Wij focussen op:
Path .information > h2
Snippet <h2>‘Voor je eigen moeder zou je het ook doen’</h2>
Heading text ‘Voor je eigen moeder zou je het ook doen’
Path header > h2
Snippet <h2>@NPRZ</h2>
Heading text @NPRZ
Path .text > h2
Snippet <h2>AanDeBak-garantie (carrière startgarantie)</h2>
Heading text AanDeBak-garantie (carrière startgarantie)
Path .documentdownload > h2
Snippet <h2>Voortgangsrapportage 2019</h2>
Heading text Voortgangsrapportage 2019
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(1) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">NPRZ</h3>
Heading text NPRZ
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(2) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">Onze documenten</h3>
Heading text Onze documenten
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(3) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">Media</h3>
Heading text Media
Path .contactdata > h2
Snippet <h2>Contact</h2>
Heading text Contact
Path .socialmedia > h2
Snippet <h2>Volg ons op:</h2>
Heading text Volg ons op:
Path .footer-footer > h3
Snippet <h3>© NPRZ 2017 - 2021</h3>
Heading text © NPRZ 2017 - 2021

No missing headings:1 Passed

Text that looks like a heading must be coded as a heading-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.11 Passed

Heading level:12 Passed

A heading's programmatic level must match the level that's presented visually-WCAG 1.3.112 Passed
Path h1
Snippet <h1 property="title">Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid</h1>
Heading text Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid
Path .intro
Snippet <h2 class="intro">NPRZ werkt aan een nieuw perspectief voor Rotterdam Zuid. Wij focussen op:</h2>
Heading text NPRZ werkt aan een nieuw perspectief voor Rotterdam Zuid. Wij focussen op:
Path .information > h2
Snippet <h2>‘Voor je eigen moeder zou je het ook doen’</h2>
Heading text ‘Voor je eigen moeder zou je het ook doen’
Path header > h2
Snippet <h2>@NPRZ</h2>
Heading text @NPRZ
Path .text > h2
Snippet <h2>AanDeBak-garantie (carrière startgarantie)</h2>
Heading text AanDeBak-garantie (carrière startgarantie)
Path .documentdownload > h2
Snippet <h2>Voortgangsrapportage 2019</h2>
Heading text Voortgangsrapportage 2019
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(1) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">NPRZ</h3>
Heading text NPRZ
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(2) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">Onze documenten</h3>
Heading text Onze documenten
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(3) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">Media</h3>
Heading text Media
Path .contactdata > h2
Snippet <h2>Contact</h2>
Heading text Contact
Path .socialmedia > h2
Snippet <h2>Volg ons op:</h2>
Heading text Volg ons op:
Path .footer-footer > h3
Snippet <h3>© NPRZ 2017 - 2021</h3>
Heading text © NPRZ 2017 - 2021

Repetitive content3 Passed

Bypass blocks:0 Passed

A page must provide a keyboard-accessible method to bypass repetitive content-WCAG 2.4.10 Passed
No matching instances

Consistent navigation:0 Passed

Navigational mechanisms that appear on multiple pages must be presented in the same relative order-WCAG 3.2.30 Passed
No matching instances

Consistent identification:0 Passed

Functional components that appear on multiple pages must be identified consistently-WCAG 3.2.40 Passed
No matching instances

Links2 Passed

Link function:6 Passed

If an anchor element functions as a custom widget, it must have the appropriate ARIA widget role-WCAG 4.1.26 Passed
Path .desktop > a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"]
Snippet <a href="/" aria-label="Ga naar de homepagina">
Accessible name Ga naar de homepagina
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-label Ga naar de homepagina
Path .social-text
Snippet <a class="social-text" target="_blank" href="" aria-label="Post op sociale media door @NPRZ"></a>
Accessible name Post op sociale media door @NPRZ
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-label Post op sociale media door @NPRZ
Path .facebook
Snippet <a class="facebook" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-facebook"></a>
Accessible name Facebook
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelledby label-facebook
Path .twitter
Snippet <a class="twitter" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-twitter"></a>
Accessible name Twitter
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelledby label-twitter
Path .instagram
Snippet <a class="instagram" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-instagram"></a>
Accessible name Instagram
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelledby label-instagram
Path .youtube
Snippet <a class="youtube" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-youtube"></a>
Accessible name Youtube
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelledby label-youtube

Link purpose:38 Passed

The purpose of a link must be described by its link text alone, or by the link text together with preceding page context-WCAG 2.4.438 Passed
Path .desktop > a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"]
Snippet <a href="/" aria-label="Ga naar de homepagina">
Accessible name Ga naar de homepagina
Accessible description (no value)
Path .social-text
Snippet <a class="social-text" target="_blank" href="" aria-label="Post op sociale media door @NPRZ"></a>
Accessible name Post op sociale media door @NPRZ
Accessible description (no value)
Path .facebook
Snippet <a class="facebook" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-facebook"></a>
Accessible name Facebook
Accessible description (no value)
Path .twitter
Snippet <a class="twitter" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-twitter"></a>
Accessible name Twitter
Accessible description (no value)
Path .instagram
Snippet <a class="instagram" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-instagram"></a>
Accessible name Instagram
Accessible description (no value)
Path .youtube
Snippet <a class="youtube" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-youtube"></a>
Accessible name Youtube
Accessible description (no value)
Path .skip-to-content-link
Snippet <a href="#content" class="skip-to-content-link"> Ga naar inhoud </a>
Accessible name Ga naar inhoud
Accessible description (no value)
URL #content
Path a[title="Bewoners\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bewoners op Zuid"> Bewoners op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Bewoners op Zuid
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[title="Werkers\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Werkers op Zuid"> Werkers op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Werkers op Zuid
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href$="activiteiten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Activiteiten"> Activiteiten </a>
Accessible name Activiteiten
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href$="partners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Partners"> Partners </a>
Accessible name Partners
Accessible description (no value)
Path .button-wrapper > a[href$="over-ons"]
Snippet <a class="no-default-hover internallink" href="/over-nprz/nprz/over-ons" property="buttontext">Lees meer</a>
Accessible name Lees meer
Accessible description (no value)
URL /over-nprz/nprz/over-ons
Path a[href="\/activiteiten\/\?categories\=1"]
Snippet <a href="/activiteiten/?categories=1">School</a>
Accessible name School
Accessible description (no value)
URL /activiteiten/?categories=1
Path a[href="\/activiteiten\/\?categories\=2"]
Snippet <a href="/activiteiten/?categories=2">Werk</a>
Accessible name Werk
Accessible description (no value)
URL /activiteiten/?categories=2
Path a[href="\/activiteiten\/\?categories\=3"]
Snippet <a href="/activiteiten/?categories=3">Wonen</a>
Accessible name Wonen
Accessible description (no value)
URL /activiteiten/?categories=3
Path a[href="\/activiteiten\/\?categories\=4"]
Snippet <a href="/activiteiten/?categories=4">Bewoners</a>
Accessible name Bewoners
Accessible description (no value)
URL /activiteiten/?categories=4
Path a[href="\/activiteiten\/\?categories\=5"]
Snippet <a href="/activiteiten/?categories=5">Cultuur</a>
Accessible name Cultuur
Accessible description (no value)
URL /activiteiten/?categories=5
Path a[href="\/activiteiten\/\?categories\=6"]
Snippet <a href="/activiteiten/?categories=6">Veilig</a>
Accessible name Veilig
Accessible description (no value)
URL /activiteiten/?categories=6
Path .overview-interview > a
Snippet <a href="/interview/voor-je-eigen-moeder-zou-je-het-ook-doen">
Accessible name Werkers op Zuid: Salim Elfassi van Stichting KOCO ‘Voor je eigen moeder zou je het ook doen’ Bekijk dit interview
Accessible description (no value)
URL /interview/voor-je-eigen-moeder-zou-je-het-ook-doen
Path a[href$="aandebak-garantie"]
Snippet <a href="/activity/aandebak-garantie">
Accessible name AanDeBak-garantie (carrière startgarantie) Bekijk activiteit
Accessible description (no value)
URL /activity/aandebak-garantie
Path .documentdownload
Snippet <a class="no-default-hover documentdownload" href="/media/348/download/deel%201%20NPRZ%20Voortgangsrap.%202019%20%28spread%29.pdf?v=1" property="title">
Accessible name Voortgangsrapportage 2019
Accessible description (no value)
URL /media/348/download/deel%201%20NPRZ%20Voortgangsrap.%202019%20%28spread%29.pdf?v=1
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Over\ NPRZ"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Over NPRZ"> Over NPRZ </a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Bestuur"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bestuur"> Bestuur </a>
Accessible name Bestuur
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Voor\ bewoners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voor bewoners"> Voor bewoners </a>
Accessible name Voor bewoners
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Contact"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Contact"> Contact </a>
Accessible name Contact
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Voortgangsrapportage"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voortgangsrapportage"> Voortgangsrapportage </a>
Accessible name Voortgangsrapportage
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Handelingsperspectieven"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Handelingsperspectieven"> Handelingsperspectieven </a>
Accessible name Handelingsperspectieven
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Zuid\ Werkt\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Zuid Werkt!"> Zuid Werkt! </a>
Accessible name Zuid Werkt!
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Kwaliteitssprong\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Kwaliteitssprong Zuid"> Kwaliteitssprong Zuid </a>
Accessible name Kwaliteitssprong Zuid
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(5) > a
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse"> Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse </a>
Accessible name Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(6) > a[title="Regiodeal\ Rotterdam\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid"> Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid </a>
Accessible name Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(7) > a[title="Documenten\ Dicht\ de\ Kloof\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Documenten Dicht de Kloof!"> Documenten Dicht de Kloof! </a>
Accessible name Documenten Dicht de Kloof!
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"> Toegankelijkheidsverklaring </a>
Accessible name Toegankelijkheidsverklaring
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Persberichten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Persberichten"> Persberichten </a>
Accessible name Persberichten
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="In\ de\ media"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="In de media"> In de media </a>
Accessible name In de media
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Logo\'s\,\ foto\'s\ en\ filmpjes"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Logo's, foto's en filmpjes"> Logo's, foto's en filmpjes </a>
Accessible name Logo's, foto's en filmpjes
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href="tel\:\(010\)2672104"]
Snippet <a href="tel:(010)2672104">(010) 267 21 04</a>
Accessible name (010) 267 21 04
Accessible description (no value)
URL tel:(010)2672104
Path a[href$="mailto\:nprz\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href=""></a>
Accessible name
Accessible description (no value)

Native widgets5 Passed

Widget function:0 Passed

If a native widget functions as a custom widget, it must have the appropriate ARIA widget role-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Instructions:0 Passed

If a native widget has a visible label or instructions, they must be programmatically determinable-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.5.30 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Expected input:0 Passed

A native widget must have a label and/or instructions that identify the expected input-WCAG 3.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Cues:0 Passed

If a native widget adopts certain interactive states, it must provide appropriate cues-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Autocomplete:0 Passed

Text fields that serve certain purposes must have the correct HTML5 autocomplete attribute-WCAG 1.3.50 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Custom widgets6 Passed

Design pattern:1 Passed

A custom widget must have the appropriate ARIA widget role for its design pattern-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Widget role button
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -

Instructions:1 Passed

If a custom widget has a visible label or instructions, they must be programmatically determinable-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.5.31 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -
Accessible description -

Expected input:1 Passed

A custom widget must have a label and/or instructions that identify the expected input-WCAG 3.3.21 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -
Accessible description -

Role, state, property:1 Passed

A custom widget must support the ARIA roles, states, and properties specified by its design pattern-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -

Cues:1 Passed

If a custom widget adopts certain interactive states, it must communicate those states programmatically-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Widget role button
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
HTML cues -
ARIA cues -

Keyboard interaction:1 Passed

A custom widget must support the keyboard interaction specified by its design pattern-WCAG 2.1.11 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -

Timed events4 Passed

Time limits:0 Passed

If a time limit is set by the content, the user must be able to turn off, adjust, or extend the time limit-WCAG 2.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

Moving content:0 Passed

If content moves, blinks, or scrolls automatically for more than five seconds, users must be able to pause, stop, or hide it-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Auto-updating content:0 Passed

If content updates automatically, users must be able to pause, stop, hide, or control frequency of the updates-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Audio control:0 Passed

If audio content plays automatically for longer than three seconds, users must be able to pause or mute it-WCAG 1.4.20 Passed
No matching instances

Errors / status4 Passed

Error identification:0 Passed

If an input error is automatically detected, the item in error must be identified, and the error described, in text-WCAG 3.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Error suggestion:0 Passed

If an input error is automatically detected, guidance for correcting the error must be provided-WCAG 3.3.30 Passed
No matching instances

Error prevention:0 Passed

If submitting data might have serious consequences, users must be able to correct the data input before finalizing a submission-WCAG 3.3.40 Passed
No matching instances

Status messages:0 Passed

Status messages must be programmatically determinable without receiving focus-WCAG 4.1.30 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Page navigation3 Passed

Page title:1 Passed

A web page must have a title that describes its topic or purpose-WCAG 2.4.21 Passed
Path html
Snippet <html lang="nl">
Page title NPRZ - Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid

Frame title:0 Passed

A frame or iframe must have a title that describes its content-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Multiple ways:0 Passed

Users must have multiple ways to navigate to a page-WCAG 2.4.50 Passed
No matching instances

Parsing1 Passed

Parsing:0 Passed

Elements must have complete start and end tags, must not contain duplicate attributes, and must be nested according to their specifications-WCAG 4.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Images4 Passed

Image function:7 Passed

Every image must be coded as either meaningful or decorative-WCAG 1.1.17 Passed
Path a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"] > svg[width="\32 63"][height="\35 1"]
Snippet <svg width="263" height="51" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid logo
Path .header-image
Snippet <div class="header-image with-button" style="background-image: url('/uploads/media/header-image/03/253-naamloos20160609-2107.jpg?v=1-0')">
Image type CSS background-image
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid Lees meer
Path .overview-interview > a > .photo
Snippet <div class="photo" style="background-image:url(&quot;/uploads/media/sulu-400x400-inset/02/382-1Salim_KOCO_2379A%20%282%29.jpg?v=1-1&quot;)"> </div>
Image type CSS background-image
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
Path #Layer_1
Snippet <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" x="0" y="0" viewBox="0 0 80 80" xml:space="preserve">
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
Path a[href$="aandebak-garantie"] > .photo
Snippet <div class="photo" style="background-image:url(&quot;/uploads/media/sulu-400x400-inset/01/161-JongerenBRIDGE.jpg?v=1-0&quot;)"> </div>
Image type CSS background-image
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
Path .downloaddocument > div
Snippet <div style="background-image: url(&quot;/uploads/media/sulu-400x400/01/351-VGR%202019.jpg?v=1-0&quot;)">
Image type CSS background-image
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Voortgangsrapportage 2019
Path .logo > svg[width="\32 63"][height="\35 1"]
Snippet <svg width="263" height="51" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid logo

Text alternative:0 Passed

A meaningful image must have a text alternative that serves the equivalent purpose-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Images of text:0 Passed

Images of text are allowed only where a specific appearance is required (e.g., logotypes)-WCAG 1.4.50 Passed
No matching instances

CAPTCHAs:0 Passed

If a CAPTCHA is used, alternative methods must be provided for both users without vision and users without hearing-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Language3 Passed

Language of page:0 Passed

A page must have the correct default language-WCAG 3.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Language of parts:0 Passed

If the language of a passage differs from the default language of the page, the passage must have its own language attribute-WCAG 3.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Text direction:0 Passed

If a page or a passage uses a script that is read right-to-left, it must have the correct text direction-WCAG 1.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Sensory4 Passed

Color as meaning:1 Passed

Color must not be used as the only visual means for conveying meaning-WCAG 1.4.11 Passed

Instructions:0 Passed

Instructions must not rely solely on color or other sensory characteristics-WCAG 1.3.30 Passed
No matching instances

Auditory cues:0 Passed

Auditory cues must be accompanied by visual cues-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Flashing:0 Passed

Web pages must not have content that flashes more than three times per second-WCAG 2.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Adaptable content7 Passed

High contrast mode:0 Passed

Websites and web apps must honor high contrast appearance settings and functions-SECTION 508 - 502.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Resize text:0 Passed

Users must be able to resize text, without using assistive technology, up to 200% with no loss of content or functionality-WCAG 1.4.40 Passed
No matching instances

Contrast:7 Passed

Text elements must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.37 Passed
Path h1
Snippet <h1 property="title">Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid</h1>
Text string Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid
Size large
Path .information > p
Snippet <p>Werkers op Zuid: Salim Elfassi van Stichting KOCO</p>
Text string Werkers op Zuid: Salim Elfassi van Stichting KOCO
Size regular
Path .information > h2
Snippet <h2>‘Voor je eigen moeder zou je het ook doen’</h2>
Text string ‘Voor je eigen moeder zou je het ook doen’
Size large
Path header > h2
Snippet <h2>@NPRZ</h2>
Text string @NPRZ
Size large
Path .content > p
Snippet <p class="text">RT @Publisophy: 💚 Erasmus Bridge turns 25 💚 #erasmusbrug25 #rotterdam 📷 @stadsarchief010 | @anp How it started How it’s going h…</p>
Text string RT @Publisophy: 💚 Erasmus Bridge turns 25 💚 #erasmusbrug25 #rotterdam 📷 @stadsarchief010 | @anp How it started How it’s going h…
Size large
Path .social-footer > span
Snippet <span>2 uren geleden</span>
Text string 2 uren geleden
Size regular
Path .documentdownload > h2
Snippet <h2>Voortgangsrapportage 2019</h2>
Text string Voortgangsrapportage 2019
Size large

Orientation:0 Passed

Web content must not be locked to a particular screen orientation-WCAG 1.3.40 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Reflow:0 Passed

Content must be visible without having to scroll in two dimensions-WCAG 1.4.100 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Text spacing:1 Passed

Users must be able to adjust text spacing with no loss of content or functionality-WCAG 1.4.121 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1

Hover / focus content:0 Passed

Content that appears on focus or hover must be dismissible, hoverable, and persistent-WCAG 1.4.130 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Audio / video2 Passed

Audio-only equivalent:0 Passed

Pre-recorded audio-only content must be accompanied by an equivalent text alternative-WCAG 1.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

Video-only equivalent:0 Passed

Pre-recorded video-only content must be accompanied by an equivalent text or audio alternative-WCAG 1.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

Multimedia5 Passed

Captions:0 Passed

Pre-recorded multimedia content must have captions-WCAG 1.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

No obstruction:0 Passed

Captions must not obscure or obstruct relevant information in the video-WCAG 1.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Audio description:0 Passed

Pre-recorded video with audio must have an audio description-WCAG 1.2.3WCAG 1.2.50 Passed
No matching instances

Synchronization:0 Passed

An audio description must be synchronized with the video content-WCAG 1.2.50 Passed
No matching instances

No conflict:0 Passed

An audio description must not conflict with audible information in the sound track-WCAG 1.2.50 Passed
No matching instances

Live multimedia1 Passed

Captions:0 Passed

Captions must be provided for live (streaming) video with audio-WCAG 1.2.40 Passed
No matching instances

Sequence3 Passed

CSS positioning:1 Passed

Meaningful content positioned on the page using CSS must retain its meaning when CSS is disabled-WCAG 1.3.21 Passed

Layout tables:0 Passed

The content in an HTML layout table must make sense when the table is linearized-WCAG 1.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Columns:0 Passed

Content presented in multi-column format must support a correct reading sequence-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 1.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Semantics8 Passed

CSS content:1 Passed

Meaningful content must not be implemented using only CSS :before or :after-WCAG 1.3.11 Passed

Table semantics:0 Passed

A <table> element must be coded correctly as a data table or a layout table-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Table headers:0 Passed

Coded headers must be used correctly-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Headers attribute:0 Passed

The headers attribute of a <td> element must reference the correct <th> element(s)-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Lists:0 Passed

Lists must be contained within semantically correct containers-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Emphasis:0 Passed

Words and phrases that are visually emphasized must be contained within semantically correct containers-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Quotes:0 Passed

The <blockquote> element must not be used to style non-quote text-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Letter spacing:0 Passed

Spacing characters must not be used to increase the space between letters in a word-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Pointer / motion3 Passed

Pointer gestures:0 Passed

Functions must be operable without requiring multipoint or path-based gestures-WCAG 2.5.10 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Pointer cancellation:0 Passed

Users must be able to cancel functions that can be operated using a single pointer-WCAG 2.5.20 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Motion operation:0 Passed

If a function can be operated through motion, it must also be operable through user interface components-WCAG 2.5.40 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Contrast3 Passed

UI components:39 Passed

Visual information used to identify active user interface components and their states must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.1139 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
Path .skip-to-content-link
Snippet <a href="#content" class="skip-to-content-link"> Ga naar inhoud </a>
Accessible name Ga naar inhoud
Element link
Path .desktop > a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"]
Snippet <a href="/" aria-label="Ga naar de homepagina">
Accessible name Ga naar de homepagina
Element link
Path a[title="Bewoners\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bewoners op Zuid"> Bewoners op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Bewoners op Zuid
Element link
Path a[title="Werkers\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Werkers op Zuid"> Werkers op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Werkers op Zuid
Element link
Path a[href$="activiteiten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Activiteiten"> Activiteiten </a>
Accessible name Activiteiten
Element link
Path a[href$="partners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Partners"> Partners </a>
Accessible name Partners
Element link
Path .button-wrapper > a[href$="over-ons"]
Snippet <a class="no-default-hover internallink" href="/over-nprz/nprz/over-ons" property="buttontext">Lees meer</a>
Accessible name Lees meer
Element link
Path a[href="\/activiteiten\/\?categories\=1"]
Snippet <a href="/activiteiten/?categories=1">School</a>
Accessible name School
Element link
Path a[href="\/activiteiten\/\?categories\=2"]
Snippet <a href="/activiteiten/?categories=2">Werk</a>
Accessible name Werk
Element link
Path a[href="\/activiteiten\/\?categories\=3"]
Snippet <a href="/activiteiten/?categories=3">Wonen</a>
Accessible name Wonen
Element link
Path a[href="\/activiteiten\/\?categories\=4"]
Snippet <a href="/activiteiten/?categories=4">Bewoners</a>
Accessible name Bewoners
Element link
Path a[href="\/activiteiten\/\?categories\=5"]
Snippet <a href="/activiteiten/?categories=5">Cultuur</a>
Accessible name Cultuur
Element link
Path a[href="\/activiteiten\/\?categories\=6"]
Snippet <a href="/activiteiten/?categories=6">Veilig</a>
Accessible name Veilig
Element link
Path .overview-interview > a
Snippet <a href="/interview/voor-je-eigen-moeder-zou-je-het-ook-doen">
Accessible name Werkers op Zuid: Salim Elfassi van Stichting KOCO ‘Voor je eigen moeder zou je het ook doen’ Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .social-text
Snippet <a class="social-text" target="_blank" href="" aria-label="Post op sociale media door @NPRZ"></a>
Accessible name Post op sociale media door @NPRZ
Element link
Path a[href$="aandebak-garantie"]
Snippet <a href="/activity/aandebak-garantie">
Accessible name AanDeBak-garantie (carrière startgarantie) Bekijk activiteit
Element link
Path .documentdownload
Snippet <a class="no-default-hover documentdownload" href="/media/348/download/deel%201%20NPRZ%20Voortgangsrap.%202019%20%28spread%29.pdf?v=1" property="title">
Accessible name Voortgangsrapportage 2019
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Over\ NPRZ"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Over NPRZ"> Over NPRZ </a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Bestuur"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bestuur"> Bestuur </a>
Accessible name Bestuur
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Voor\ bewoners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voor bewoners"> Voor bewoners </a>
Accessible name Voor bewoners
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Contact"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Contact"> Contact </a>
Accessible name Contact
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Voortgangsrapportage"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voortgangsrapportage"> Voortgangsrapportage </a>
Accessible name Voortgangsrapportage
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Handelingsperspectieven"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Handelingsperspectieven"> Handelingsperspectieven </a>
Accessible name Handelingsperspectieven
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Zuid\ Werkt\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Zuid Werkt!"> Zuid Werkt! </a>
Accessible name Zuid Werkt!
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Kwaliteitssprong\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Kwaliteitssprong Zuid"> Kwaliteitssprong Zuid </a>
Accessible name Kwaliteitssprong Zuid
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(5) > a
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse"> Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse </a>
Accessible name Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(6) > a[title="Regiodeal\ Rotterdam\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid"> Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid </a>
Accessible name Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(7) > a[title="Documenten\ Dicht\ de\ Kloof\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Documenten Dicht de Kloof!"> Documenten Dicht de Kloof! </a>
Accessible name Documenten Dicht de Kloof!
Element link
Path a[title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"> Toegankelijkheidsverklaring </a>
Accessible name Toegankelijkheidsverklaring
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Persberichten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Persberichten"> Persberichten </a>
Accessible name Persberichten
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="In\ de\ media"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="In de media"> In de media </a>
Accessible name In de media
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Logo\'s\,\ foto\'s\ en\ filmpjes"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Logo's, foto's en filmpjes"> Logo's, foto's en filmpjes </a>
Accessible name Logo's, foto's en filmpjes
Element link
Path a[href="tel\:\(010\)2672104"]
Snippet <a href="tel:(010)2672104">(010) 267 21 04</a>
Accessible name (010) 267 21 04
Element link
Path a[href$="mailto\:nprz\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href=""></a>
Accessible name
Element link
Path .facebook
Snippet <a class="facebook" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-facebook"></a>
Accessible name Facebook
Element link
Path .twitter
Snippet <a class="twitter" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-twitter"></a>
Accessible name Twitter
Element link
Path .instagram
Snippet <a class="instagram" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-instagram"></a>
Accessible name Instagram
Element link
Path .youtube
Snippet <a class="youtube" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-youtube"></a>
Accessible name Youtube
Element link
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Role button

State changes:39 Passed

Any visual information that indicates a component's state must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.1139 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
Path .skip-to-content-link
Snippet <a href="#content" class="skip-to-content-link"> Ga naar inhoud </a>
Accessible name Ga naar inhoud
Element link
Path .desktop > a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"]
Snippet <a href="/" aria-label="Ga naar de homepagina">
Accessible name Ga naar de homepagina
Element link
Path a[title="Bewoners\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bewoners op Zuid"> Bewoners op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Bewoners op Zuid
Element link
Path a[title="Werkers\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Werkers op Zuid"> Werkers op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Werkers op Zuid
Element link
Path a[href$="activiteiten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Activiteiten"> Activiteiten </a>
Accessible name Activiteiten
Element link
Path a[href$="partners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Partners"> Partners </a>
Accessible name Partners
Element link
Path .button-wrapper > a[href$="over-ons"]
Snippet <a class="no-default-hover internallink" href="/over-nprz/nprz/over-ons" property="buttontext">Lees meer</a>
Accessible name Lees meer
Element link
Path a[href="\/activiteiten\/\?categories\=1"]
Snippet <a href="/activiteiten/?categories=1">School</a>
Accessible name School
Element link
Path a[href="\/activiteiten\/\?categories\=2"]
Snippet <a href="/activiteiten/?categories=2">Werk</a>
Accessible name Werk
Element link
Path a[href="\/activiteiten\/\?categories\=3"]
Snippet <a href="/activiteiten/?categories=3">Wonen</a>
Accessible name Wonen
Element link
Path a[href="\/activiteiten\/\?categories\=4"]
Snippet <a href="/activiteiten/?categories=4">Bewoners</a>
Accessible name Bewoners
Element link
Path a[href="\/activiteiten\/\?categories\=5"]
Snippet <a href="/activiteiten/?categories=5">Cultuur</a>
Accessible name Cultuur
Element link
Path a[href="\/activiteiten\/\?categories\=6"]
Snippet <a href="/activiteiten/?categories=6">Veilig</a>
Accessible name Veilig
Element link
Path .overview-interview > a
Snippet <a href="/interview/voor-je-eigen-moeder-zou-je-het-ook-doen">
Accessible name Werkers op Zuid: Salim Elfassi van Stichting KOCO ‘Voor je eigen moeder zou je het ook doen’ Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .social-text
Snippet <a class="social-text" target="_blank" href="" aria-label="Post op sociale media door @NPRZ"></a>
Accessible name Post op sociale media door @NPRZ
Element link
Path a[href$="aandebak-garantie"]
Snippet <a href="/activity/aandebak-garantie">
Accessible name AanDeBak-garantie (carrière startgarantie) Bekijk activiteit
Element link
Path .documentdownload
Snippet <a class="no-default-hover documentdownload" href="/media/348/download/deel%201%20NPRZ%20Voortgangsrap.%202019%20%28spread%29.pdf?v=1" property="title">
Accessible name Voortgangsrapportage 2019
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Over\ NPRZ"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Over NPRZ"> Over NPRZ </a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Bestuur"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bestuur"> Bestuur </a>
Accessible name Bestuur
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Voor\ bewoners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voor bewoners"> Voor bewoners </a>
Accessible name Voor bewoners
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Contact"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Contact"> Contact </a>
Accessible name Contact
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Voortgangsrapportage"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voortgangsrapportage"> Voortgangsrapportage </a>
Accessible name Voortgangsrapportage
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Handelingsperspectieven"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Handelingsperspectieven"> Handelingsperspectieven </a>
Accessible name Handelingsperspectieven
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Zuid\ Werkt\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Zuid Werkt!"> Zuid Werkt! </a>
Accessible name Zuid Werkt!
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Kwaliteitssprong\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Kwaliteitssprong Zuid"> Kwaliteitssprong Zuid </a>
Accessible name Kwaliteitssprong Zuid
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(5) > a
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse"> Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse </a>
Accessible name Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(6) > a[title="Regiodeal\ Rotterdam\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid"> Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid </a>
Accessible name Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(7) > a[title="Documenten\ Dicht\ de\ Kloof\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Documenten Dicht de Kloof!"> Documenten Dicht de Kloof! </a>
Accessible name Documenten Dicht de Kloof!
Element link
Path a[title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"> Toegankelijkheidsverklaring </a>
Accessible name Toegankelijkheidsverklaring
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Persberichten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Persberichten"> Persberichten </a>
Accessible name Persberichten
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="In\ de\ media"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="In de media"> In de media </a>
Accessible name In de media
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Logo\'s\,\ foto\'s\ en\ filmpjes"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Logo's, foto's en filmpjes"> Logo's, foto's en filmpjes </a>
Accessible name Logo's, foto's en filmpjes
Element link
Path a[href="tel\:\(010\)2672104"]
Snippet <a href="tel:(010)2672104">(010) 267 21 04</a>
Accessible name (010) 267 21 04
Element link
Path a[href$="mailto\:nprz\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href=""></a>
Accessible name
Element link
Path .facebook
Snippet <a class="facebook" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-facebook"></a>
Accessible name Facebook
Element link
Path .twitter
Snippet <a class="twitter" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-twitter"></a>
Accessible name Twitter
Element link
Path .instagram
Snippet <a class="instagram" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-instagram"></a>
Accessible name Instagram
Element link
Path .youtube
Snippet <a class="youtube" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-youtube"></a>
Accessible name Youtube
Element link
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Role button

Graphics:0 Passed

Graphics must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.110 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances


Assessment report

This report shows the overall accessibility of the website or web app through a combination of automated and manual tests that cover all the WCAG 2.1 AA success criteria.


Test details

Automated checks
54 Passed
6 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
5 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Repetitive content
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
2 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Native widgets
5 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Custom widgets
6 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Timed events
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Errors / status
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Page navigation
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
1 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Adaptable content
7 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Audio / video
2 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
5 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Live multimedia
1 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
8 Passed
Pointer / motion
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed

Scan details
8/27/2021, 12:49:16 PM UTC

Failed tests0 Failed

Incomplete tests0 Incomplete

Passed tests142 Passed

Automated checks54 Passed

area-alt:0 Passed

Active <area> elements must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.1WCAG 2.4.4WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-allowed-attr:42 Passed

Elements must only use allowed ARIA attributes-WCAG 4.1.242 Passed
No failing instances

aria-command-name:0 Passed

ARIA commands must have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-hidden-body:1 Passed

aria-hidden='true' must not be present on the document body-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
No failing instances

aria-hidden-focus:0 Passed

ARIA hidden element must not contain focusable elements-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-input-field-name:0 Passed

ARIA input fields must have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-meter-name:0 Passed

ARIA meter nodes must have an accessible name-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-progressbar-name:0 Passed

ARIA progressbar nodes must have an accessible name-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-required-attr:38 Passed

Required ARIA attributes must be provided-WCAG 4.1.238 Passed
No failing instances

aria-required-children:0 Passed

Certain ARIA roles must contain particular children-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-required-parent:0 Passed

Certain ARIA roles must be contained by particular parents-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-roledescription:0 Passed

Use aria-roledescription on elements with a semantic role-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-roles:38 Passed

ARIA roles used must conform to valid values-WCAG 4.1.238 Passed
No failing instances

aria-toggle-field-name:0 Passed

ARIA toggle fields have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-tooltip-name:0 Passed

ARIA tooltip nodes must have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-valid-attr-value:42 Passed

ARIA attributes must conform to valid values-WCAG 4.1.242 Passed
No failing instances

aria-valid-attr:42 Passed

ARIA attributes must conform to valid names-WCAG 4.1.242 Passed
No failing instances

audio-caption:0 Passed

<audio> elements must have a captions track-WCAG 1.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

autocomplete-valid:0 Passed

autocomplete attribute must be used correctly-WCAG 1.3.50 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

avoid-inline-spacing:15 Passed

Inline text spacing must be adjustable with custom stylesheets-WCAG 1.4.1215 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No failing instances

blink:0 Passed

<blink> elements are deprecated and must not be used-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

button-name:0 Passed

Buttons must have discernible text-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

bypass:1 Passed

Page must have means to bypass repeated blocks-WCAG 2.4.11 Passed
No failing instances

color-contrast:61 Passed

Elements must have sufficient color contrast-WCAG 1.4.361 Passed
No failing instances

definition-list:0 Passed

<dl> elements must only directly contain properly-ordered <dt> and <dd> groups, <script>, <template> or <div> elements-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

dlitem:0 Passed

<dt> and <dd> elements must be contained by a <dl>-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

document-title:1 Passed

Documents must have <title> element to aid in navigation-WCAG 2.4.21 Passed
No failing instances

duplicate-id-active:0 Passed

IDs of active elements must be unique-WCAG 4.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

duplicate-id-aria:4 Passed

IDs used in ARIA and labels must be unique-WCAG 4.1.14 Passed
No failing instances

frame-focusable-content:0 Passed

Frames with focusable content must not have tabindex=-1-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

frame-title:0 Passed

Frames must have an accessible name-WCAG 2.4.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

html-has-lang:1 Passed

<html> element must have a lang attribute-WCAG 3.1.11 Passed
No failing instances

html-lang-valid:1 Passed

<html> element must have a valid value for the lang attribute-WCAG 3.1.11 Passed
No failing instances

html-xml-lang-mismatch:0 Passed

HTML elements with lang and xml:lang must have the same base language-WCAG 3.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

image-alt:0 Passed

Images must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

input-button-name:0 Passed

Input buttons must have discernible text-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

input-image-alt:0 Passed

Image buttons must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

label:0 Passed

Form elements must have labels-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

link-name:43 Passed

Links must have discernible text-WCAG 2.4.4WCAG 4.1.243 Passed
No failing instances

list:10 Passed

<ul> and <ol> must only directly contain <li>, <script> or <template> elements-WCAG 1.3.110 Passed
No failing instances

listitem:32 Passed

<li> elements must be contained in a <ul> or <ol>-WCAG 1.3.132 Passed
No failing instances

marquee:0 Passed

<marquee> elements are deprecated and must not be used-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

meta-refresh:0 Passed

Timed refresh must not exist-WCAG 2.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

nested-interactive:38 Passed

Ensure interactive controls are not nested-WCAG 4.1.238 Passed
No failing instances

object-alt:0 Passed

<object> elements must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

role-img-alt:37 Passed

[role='img'] elements have an alternative text-WCAG 1.1.137 Passed
No failing instances

scrollable-region-focusable:0 Passed

Ensure that scrollable region has keyboard access-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

select-name:0 Passed

Select element must have an accessible name-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

server-side-image-map:0 Passed

Server-side image maps must not be used-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

svg-img-alt:0 Passed

svg elements with an img role have an alternative text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

td-headers-attr:0 Passed

All cells in a table element that use the headers attribute must only refer to other cells of that same table-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

th-has-data-cells:0 Passed

All th elements and elements with role=columnheader/rowheader must have data cells they describe-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

valid-lang:0 Passed

lang attribute must have a valid value-WCAG 3.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

video-caption:0 Passed

<video> elements must have captions-WCAG 1.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Keyboard6 Passed

Keyboard navigation:0 Passed

Users must be able to navigate to all interactive interface components using a keyboard-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

No keyboard traps:0 Passed

Users must be able to navigate away from all components using a keyboard-WCAG 2.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

On focus:0 Passed

Navigating to a component must not trigger any unexpected change of context-WCAG 3.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

On input:0 Passed

Changing a component's settings must not trigger any unexpected change of context-WCAG 3.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

No keystroke timings:0 Passed

Components must not require specific timings for individual keystrokes-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Character key shortcuts:0 Passed

Users must be able to turn off or remap character key shortcuts-WCAG 2.1.40 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Focus5 Passed

Visible focus:0 Passed

Components must provide a visible indication when they have the input focus-WCAG 2.4.70 Passed
No matching instances

Revealing content:0 Passed

Activating a component that reveals hidden content must move input focus into the revealed content-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Modal dialogs:0 Passed

Users must not be able to Tab away from a modal dialog without explicitly dismissing it-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Closing content:0 Passed

Closing revealed content must return input focus to the component that revealed it-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Focus order:0 Passed

Components must receive focus in an order that preserves meaning and operability-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Landmarks3 Passed

Landmark roles:7 Passed

A landmark region must have the role that best describes its content-WCAG 1.3.17 Passed
Path header
Snippet <header>
Role banner
Path #content
Snippet <main id="content" vocab="" typeof="Content">
Role main
Path aside
Snippet <aside> </aside>
Role complementary
Path footer
Snippet <footer>
Role contentinfo
Path .main-navigation
Snippet <nav class="main-navigation animated">
Role navigation
Path .footer-navigation
Snippet <nav class="footer-navigation">
Role navigation
Path .bottom-navigation
Snippet <nav class="bottom-navigation"> <ul class="menu-depth-1"> </ul> </nav>
Role navigation

Primary content:1 Passed

The main landmark must contain all of the page's primary content-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.11 Passed

No repeating content:1 Passed

The main landmark must not contain any blocks of content that repeat across pages-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.11 Passed

Headings3 Passed

Heading function:22 Passed

An element coded as a heading must function as a heading-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.622 Passed
Path h1
Snippet <h1 property="title">Bewoners op Zuid</h1>
Heading text Bewoners op Zuid
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(1) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>Oud worden aan het water</h2>
Heading text Oud worden aan het water
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(2) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>Op stap met stadsambasadeur van de Afrikaanderwijk</h2>
Heading text Op stap met stadsambasadeur van de Afrikaanderwijk
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(3) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>Van woonplek tot levenswerk</h2>
Heading text Van woonplek tot levenswerk
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(4) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>'Wanneer je meer dan opstijgende zwanen wilt zien'</h2>
Heading text 'Wanneer je meer dan opstijgende zwanen wilt zien'
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(5) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>'Voor de drukte ga ik de brug over, voor mijn rust blijf ik op Zuid'</h2>
Heading text 'Voor de drukte ga ik de brug over, voor mijn rust blijf ik op Zuid'
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(6) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>Van Amsterdam naar Rotterdam-Zuid</h2>
Heading text Van Amsterdam naar Rotterdam-Zuid
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(7) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>'Oude vriendschappen worden nieuw leven ingeblazen'</h2>
Heading text 'Oude vriendschappen worden nieuw leven ingeblazen'
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(8) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>'Zuid is het betaalbare alternatief voor Noord'</h2>
Heading text 'Zuid is het betaalbare alternatief voor Noord'
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(9) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>‘Een eigen huis ontwikkelen, was onze droom’</h2>
Heading text ‘Een eigen huis ontwikkelen, was onze droom’
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(10) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>'Als ik dit kan, kan iedereen het'</h2>
Heading text 'Als ik dit kan, kan iedereen het'
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(11) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>‘Ons vorige huis was op driehoog. Nu hebben we onze eigen groene jungle’</h2>
Heading text ‘Ons vorige huis was op driehoog. Nu hebben we onze eigen groene jungle’
Path a[href$="totle"] > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>‘Ik ga het hier ontzettend leuk maken!’</h2>
Heading text ‘Ik ga het hier ontzettend leuk maken!’
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(13) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>'Straks hebben we gewoon dat huis waarvan we droomden'</h2>
Heading text 'Straks hebben we gewoon dat huis waarvan we droomden'
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(14) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>‘Weg van Zuid? Dat wilden we niet.’</h2>
Heading text ‘Weg van Zuid? Dat wilden we niet.’
Path a[href$="mustafa_talib"] > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>‘We bouwen nu iets op voor de toekomst’</h2>
Heading text ‘We bouwen nu iets op voor de toekomst’
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(1) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">NPRZ</h3>
Heading text NPRZ
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(2) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">Onze documenten</h3>
Heading text Onze documenten
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(3) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">Media</h3>
Heading text Media
Path .contactdata > h2
Snippet <h2>Contact</h2>
Heading text Contact
Path .socialmedia > h2
Snippet <h2>Volg ons op:</h2>
Heading text Volg ons op:
Path .footer-footer > h3
Snippet <h3>© NPRZ 2017 - 2021</h3>
Heading text © NPRZ 2017 - 2021

No missing headings:1 Passed

Text that looks like a heading must be coded as a heading-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.11 Passed

Heading level:22 Passed

A heading's programmatic level must match the level that's presented visually-WCAG 1.3.122 Passed
Path h1
Snippet <h1 property="title">Bewoners op Zuid</h1>
Heading text Bewoners op Zuid
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(1) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>Oud worden aan het water</h2>
Heading text Oud worden aan het water
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(2) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>Op stap met stadsambasadeur van de Afrikaanderwijk</h2>
Heading text Op stap met stadsambasadeur van de Afrikaanderwijk
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(3) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>Van woonplek tot levenswerk</h2>
Heading text Van woonplek tot levenswerk
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(4) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>'Wanneer je meer dan opstijgende zwanen wilt zien'</h2>
Heading text 'Wanneer je meer dan opstijgende zwanen wilt zien'
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(5) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>'Voor de drukte ga ik de brug over, voor mijn rust blijf ik op Zuid'</h2>
Heading text 'Voor de drukte ga ik de brug over, voor mijn rust blijf ik op Zuid'
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(6) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>Van Amsterdam naar Rotterdam-Zuid</h2>
Heading text Van Amsterdam naar Rotterdam-Zuid
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(7) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>'Oude vriendschappen worden nieuw leven ingeblazen'</h2>
Heading text 'Oude vriendschappen worden nieuw leven ingeblazen'
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(8) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>'Zuid is het betaalbare alternatief voor Noord'</h2>
Heading text 'Zuid is het betaalbare alternatief voor Noord'
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(9) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>‘Een eigen huis ontwikkelen, was onze droom’</h2>
Heading text ‘Een eigen huis ontwikkelen, was onze droom’
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(10) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>'Als ik dit kan, kan iedereen het'</h2>
Heading text 'Als ik dit kan, kan iedereen het'
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(11) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>‘Ons vorige huis was op driehoog. Nu hebben we onze eigen groene jungle’</h2>
Heading text ‘Ons vorige huis was op driehoog. Nu hebben we onze eigen groene jungle’
Path a[href$="totle"] > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>‘Ik ga het hier ontzettend leuk maken!’</h2>
Heading text ‘Ik ga het hier ontzettend leuk maken!’
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(13) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>'Straks hebben we gewoon dat huis waarvan we droomden'</h2>
Heading text 'Straks hebben we gewoon dat huis waarvan we droomden'
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(14) > div > a > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>‘Weg van Zuid? Dat wilden we niet.’</h2>
Heading text ‘Weg van Zuid? Dat wilden we niet.’
Path a[href$="mustafa_talib"] > .text > h2
Snippet <h2>‘We bouwen nu iets op voor de toekomst’</h2>
Heading text ‘We bouwen nu iets op voor de toekomst’
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(1) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">NPRZ</h3>
Heading text NPRZ
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(2) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">Onze documenten</h3>
Heading text Onze documenten
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(3) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">Media</h3>
Heading text Media
Path .contactdata > h2
Snippet <h2>Contact</h2>
Heading text Contact
Path .socialmedia > h2
Snippet <h2>Volg ons op:</h2>
Heading text Volg ons op:
Path .footer-footer > h3
Snippet <h3>© NPRZ 2017 - 2021</h3>
Heading text © NPRZ 2017 - 2021

Repetitive content3 Passed

Bypass blocks:0 Passed

A page must provide a keyboard-accessible method to bypass repetitive content-WCAG 2.4.10 Passed
No matching instances

Consistent navigation:0 Passed

Navigational mechanisms that appear on multiple pages must be presented in the same relative order-WCAG 3.2.30 Passed
No matching instances

Consistent identification:0 Passed

Functional components that appear on multiple pages must be identified consistently-WCAG 3.2.40 Passed
No matching instances

Links2 Passed

Link function:5 Passed

If an anchor element functions as a custom widget, it must have the appropriate ARIA widget role-WCAG 4.1.25 Passed
Path .desktop > a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"]
Snippet <a href="/" aria-label="Ga naar de homepagina">
Accessible name Ga naar de homepagina
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-label Ga naar de homepagina
Path .facebook
Snippet <a class="facebook" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-facebook"></a>
Accessible name Facebook
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelledby label-facebook
Path .twitter
Snippet <a class="twitter" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-twitter"></a>
Accessible name Twitter
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelledby label-twitter
Path .instagram
Snippet <a class="instagram" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-instagram"></a>
Accessible name Instagram
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelledby label-instagram
Path .youtube
Snippet <a class="youtube" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-youtube"></a>
Accessible name Youtube
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelledby label-youtube

Link purpose:42 Passed

The purpose of a link must be described by its link text alone, or by the link text together with preceding page context-WCAG 2.4.442 Passed
Path .desktop > a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"]
Snippet <a href="/" aria-label="Ga naar de homepagina">
Accessible name Ga naar de homepagina
Accessible description (no value)
Path .facebook
Snippet <a class="facebook" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-facebook"></a>
Accessible name Facebook
Accessible description (no value)
Path .twitter
Snippet <a class="twitter" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-twitter"></a>
Accessible name Twitter
Accessible description (no value)
Path .instagram
Snippet <a class="instagram" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-instagram"></a>
Accessible name Instagram
Accessible description (no value)
Path .youtube
Snippet <a class="youtube" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-youtube"></a>
Accessible name Youtube
Accessible description (no value)
Path .skip-to-content-link
Snippet <a href="#content" class="skip-to-content-link"> Ga naar inhoud </a>
Accessible name Ga naar inhoud
Accessible description (no value)
URL #content
Path .active
Snippet <a href="" class="active" title="Bewoners op Zuid"> Bewoners op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Bewoners op Zuid
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[title="Werkers\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Werkers op Zuid"> Werkers op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Werkers op Zuid
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href$="activiteiten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Activiteiten"> Activiteiten </a>
Accessible name Activiteiten
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href$="partners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Partners"> Partners </a>
Accessible name Partners
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(1) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/oud-worden-aan-het-water">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen Oud worden aan het water Bekijk dit interview
Accessible description (no value)
URL /resident/oud-worden-aan-het-water
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(2) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/op-stap-met-stadsambasadeur-van-de-afrikaanderwijk">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen Op stap met stadsambasadeur van de Afrikaanderwijk Bekijk dit interview
Accessible description (no value)
URL /resident/op-stap-met-stadsambasadeur-van-de-afrikaanderwijk
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(3) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/van-woonplek-tot-levenswerk">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen Van woonplek tot levenswerk Bekijk dit interview
Accessible description (no value)
URL /resident/van-woonplek-tot-levenswerk
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(4) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/wanneer-je-meer-dan-opstijgende-zwanen-wilt-zien">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen 'Wanneer je meer dan opstijgende zwanen wilt zien' Bekijk dit interview
Accessible description (no value)
URL /resident/wanneer-je-meer-dan-opstijgende-zwanen-wilt-zien
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(5) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/voor-de-drukte-ga-ik-de-brug-over-voor-mijn-rust-blijf-ik-op-zuid">
Accessible name Categorie wonen Categorie bewoners 'Voor de drukte ga ik de brug over, voor mijn rust blijf ik op Zuid' Bekijk dit interview
Accessible description (no value)
URL /resident/voor-de-drukte-ga-ik-de-brug-over-voor-mijn-rust-blijf-ik-op-zuid
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(6) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/van-amsterdam-naar-rotterdam-zuid">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen Van Amsterdam naar Rotterdam-Zuid Bekijk dit interview
Accessible description (no value)
URL /resident/van-amsterdam-naar-rotterdam-zuid
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(7) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/oude-vriendschappen-worden-nieuw-leven-ingeblazen">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen 'Oude vriendschappen worden nieuw leven ingeblazen' Bekijk dit interview
Accessible description (no value)
URL /resident/oude-vriendschappen-worden-nieuw-leven-ingeblazen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(8) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/zuid-is-het-betaalbare-alternatief-voor-noord">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen 'Zuid is het betaalbare alternatief voor Noord' Bekijk dit interview
Accessible description (no value)
URL /resident/zuid-is-het-betaalbare-alternatief-voor-noord
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(9) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/een-eigen-huis-ontwikkelen-was-onze-droom">
Accessible name Categorie wonen Categorie pijlers ‘Een eigen huis ontwikkelen, was onze droom’ Bekijk dit interview
Accessible description (no value)
URL /resident/een-eigen-huis-ontwikkelen-was-onze-droom
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(10) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/als-ik-dit-kan-kan-iedereen-het">
Accessible name Categorie wonen Categorie bewoners 'Als ik dit kan, kan iedereen het' Bekijk dit interview
Accessible description (no value)
URL /resident/als-ik-dit-kan-kan-iedereen-het
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(11) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/ons-vorige-huis-was-op-driehoog-nu-hebben-we-onze-eigen-groene-jungle">
Accessible name ‘Ons vorige huis was op driehoog. Nu hebben we onze eigen groene jungle’ Bekijk dit interview
Accessible description (no value)
URL /resident/ons-vorige-huis-was-op-driehoog-nu-hebben-we-onze-eigen-groene-jungle
Path a[href$="totle"]
Snippet <a href="/resident/totle">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen ‘Ik ga het hier ontzettend leuk maken!’ Bekijk dit interview
Accessible description (no value)
URL /resident/totle
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(13) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/straks-hebben-we-gewoon-dat-huis-waarvan-we-droomden">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen 'Straks hebben we gewoon dat huis waarvan we droomden' Bekijk dit interview
Accessible description (no value)
URL /resident/straks-hebben-we-gewoon-dat-huis-waarvan-we-droomden
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(14) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/weg-van-zuid-dat-wilden-we-niet">
Accessible name Categorie wonen Categorie bewoners ‘Weg van Zuid? Dat wilden we niet.’ Bekijk dit interview
Accessible description (no value)
URL /resident/weg-van-zuid-dat-wilden-we-niet
Path a[href$="mustafa_talib"]
Snippet <a href="/mustafa_talib">
Accessible name Categorie wonen Categorie bewoners ‘We bouwen nu iets op voor de toekomst’ Bekijk dit interview
Accessible description (no value)
URL /mustafa_talib
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Over\ NPRZ"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Over NPRZ"> Over NPRZ </a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Bestuur"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bestuur"> Bestuur </a>
Accessible name Bestuur
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Voor\ bewoners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voor bewoners"> Voor bewoners </a>
Accessible name Voor bewoners
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Contact"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Contact"> Contact </a>
Accessible name Contact
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Voortgangsrapportage"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voortgangsrapportage"> Voortgangsrapportage </a>
Accessible name Voortgangsrapportage
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Handelingsperspectieven"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Handelingsperspectieven"> Handelingsperspectieven </a>
Accessible name Handelingsperspectieven
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Zuid\ Werkt\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Zuid Werkt!"> Zuid Werkt! </a>
Accessible name Zuid Werkt!
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Kwaliteitssprong\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Kwaliteitssprong Zuid"> Kwaliteitssprong Zuid </a>
Accessible name Kwaliteitssprong Zuid
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(5) > a
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse"> Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse </a>
Accessible name Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(6) > a[title="Regiodeal\ Rotterdam\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid"> Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid </a>
Accessible name Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(7) > a[title="Documenten\ Dicht\ de\ Kloof\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Documenten Dicht de Kloof!"> Documenten Dicht de Kloof! </a>
Accessible name Documenten Dicht de Kloof!
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"> Toegankelijkheidsverklaring </a>
Accessible name Toegankelijkheidsverklaring
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Persberichten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Persberichten"> Persberichten </a>
Accessible name Persberichten
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="In\ de\ media"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="In de media"> In de media </a>
Accessible name In de media
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Logo\'s\,\ foto\'s\ en\ filmpjes"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Logo's, foto's en filmpjes"> Logo's, foto's en filmpjes </a>
Accessible name Logo's, foto's en filmpjes
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href="tel\:\(010\)2672104"]
Snippet <a href="tel:(010)2672104">(010) 267 21 04</a>
Accessible name (010) 267 21 04
Accessible description (no value)
URL tel:(010)2672104
Path a[href$="mailto\:nprz\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href=""></a>
Accessible name
Accessible description (no value)

Native widgets5 Passed

Widget function:0 Passed

If a native widget functions as a custom widget, it must have the appropriate ARIA widget role-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Instructions:0 Passed

If a native widget has a visible label or instructions, they must be programmatically determinable-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.5.30 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Expected input:0 Passed

A native widget must have a label and/or instructions that identify the expected input-WCAG 3.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Cues:0 Passed

If a native widget adopts certain interactive states, it must provide appropriate cues-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Autocomplete:0 Passed

Text fields that serve certain purposes must have the correct HTML5 autocomplete attribute-WCAG 1.3.50 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Custom widgets6 Passed

Design pattern:1 Passed

A custom widget must have the appropriate ARIA widget role for its design pattern-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Widget role button
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -

Instructions:1 Passed

If a custom widget has a visible label or instructions, they must be programmatically determinable-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.5.31 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -
Accessible description -

Expected input:1 Passed

A custom widget must have a label and/or instructions that identify the expected input-WCAG 3.3.21 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -
Accessible description -

Role, state, property:1 Passed

A custom widget must support the ARIA roles, states, and properties specified by its design pattern-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -

Cues:1 Passed

If a custom widget adopts certain interactive states, it must communicate those states programmatically-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Widget role button
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
HTML cues -
ARIA cues -

Keyboard interaction:1 Passed

A custom widget must support the keyboard interaction specified by its design pattern-WCAG 2.1.11 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -

Timed events4 Passed

Time limits:0 Passed

If a time limit is set by the content, the user must be able to turn off, adjust, or extend the time limit-WCAG 2.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

Moving content:0 Passed

If content moves, blinks, or scrolls automatically for more than five seconds, users must be able to pause, stop, or hide it-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Auto-updating content:0 Passed

If content updates automatically, users must be able to pause, stop, hide, or control frequency of the updates-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Audio control:0 Passed

If audio content plays automatically for longer than three seconds, users must be able to pause or mute it-WCAG 1.4.20 Passed
No matching instances

Errors / status4 Passed

Error identification:0 Passed

If an input error is automatically detected, the item in error must be identified, and the error described, in text-WCAG 3.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Error suggestion:0 Passed

If an input error is automatically detected, guidance for correcting the error must be provided-WCAG 3.3.30 Passed
No matching instances

Error prevention:0 Passed

If submitting data might have serious consequences, users must be able to correct the data input before finalizing a submission-WCAG 3.3.40 Passed
No matching instances

Status messages:0 Passed

Status messages must be programmatically determinable without receiving focus-WCAG 4.1.30 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Page navigation3 Passed

Page title:1 Passed

A web page must have a title that describes its topic or purpose-WCAG 2.4.21 Passed
Path html
Snippet <html lang="nl">
Page title Bewoners op Zuid

Frame title:0 Passed

A frame or iframe must have a title that describes its content-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Multiple ways:0 Passed

Users must have multiple ways to navigate to a page-WCAG 2.4.50 Passed
No matching instances

Parsing1 Passed

Parsing:0 Passed

Elements must have complete start and end tags, must not contain duplicate attributes, and must be nested according to their specifications-WCAG 4.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Images4 Passed

Image function:54 Passed

Every image must be coded as either meaningful or decorative-WCAG 1.1.154 Passed
Path a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"] > svg[width="\32 63"][height="\35 1"]
Snippet <svg width="263" height="51" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid logo
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(1) > div > a > .photo
Snippet <div class="photo" style="background-image:url(&quot;/uploads/media/sulu-400x400-inset/01/391-Wonen%20in%20Rotterdam_IJsselmonde_Oud_IJsselmonde_Willeke%26Rob.jpg?v=1-0&quot;)"> </div>
Image type CSS background-image
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(1) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(1) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(1) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(2) > div > a > .photo
Snippet <div class="photo" style="background-image:url(&quot;/uploads/media/sulu-400x400-inset/04/384-Wonen%20in%20Rotterdam_Feijenoord_Afrikaanderwijk_Margreet%20Rolink.jpg?v=1-0&quot;)"> </div>
Image type CSS background-image
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(2) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(2) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(2) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(3) > div > a > .photo
Snippet <div class="photo" style="background-image:url(&quot;/uploads/media/sulu-400x400-inset/07/387-Wonen%20in%20Rotterdam_Charlois_OudCharlois_WoonstadRotterdam.jpg?v=1-0&quot;)"> </div>
Image type CSS background-image
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(3) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(3) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(3) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(4) > div > a > .photo
Snippet <div class="photo" style="background-image:url(&quot;/uploads/media/sulu-400x400-inset/09/389-Wonen%20in%20Rotterdam_Feijenoord_Kop%20van%20Zuid_NewOrleans_Nellie%26Ronald.jpg?v=1-0&quot;)"> </div>
Image type CSS background-image
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(4) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(4) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(4) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(5) > div > a > .photo
Snippet <div class="photo" style="background-image:url(&quot;/uploads/media/sulu-400x400-inset/08/388-Wonen%20in%20Rotterdam_Feijenoord_Kop-van-Zuid-Entrepot_Gisella%20Silva.jpg?v=1-0&quot;)"> </div>
Image type CSS background-image
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(5) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(5) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(6) > div > a > .photo
Snippet <div class="photo" style="background-image:url(&quot;/uploads/media/sulu-400x400-inset/00/390-Wonen%20in%20Rotterdam_Feijenoord_Vreewijk_Ties%20Joosten.jpg?v=1-0&quot;)"> </div>
Image type CSS background-image
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(6) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(6) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(6) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(7) > div > a > .photo
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Image type CSS background-image
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ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
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ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
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ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
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Image type Role="img"
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ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(8) > div > a > .photo
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Image type CSS background-image
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ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
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Image type Role="img"
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ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
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ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
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Image type Role="img"
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ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(9) > div > a > .photo
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Image type CSS background-image
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Accessible name (no value)
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Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(9) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(10) > div > a > .photo
Snippet <div class="photo" style="background-image:url(&quot;/uploads/media/sulu-400x400-inset/07/367-Wonen%20op%20Zuid%20Emma%20Hofstra.jpg?v=1-0&quot;)"> </div>
Image type CSS background-image
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(10) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(10) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(11) > div > a > .photo
Snippet <div class="photo" style="background-image:url(&quot;/uploads/media/sulu-400x400-inset/06/366-Wonen%20op%20Zuid-Chris%20Stijlen-009%2025x17.jpg?v=1-1&quot;)"> </div>
Image type CSS background-image
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
Path a[href$="totle"] > .photo
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Image type CSS background-image
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ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
Path a[href$="totle"] > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
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ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path a[href$="totle"] > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path a[href$="totle"] > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(13) > div > a > .photo
Snippet <div class="photo" style="background-image:url(&quot;/uploads/media/sulu-400x400-inset/08/358-Wonen%20op%20Zuid-Cristina%20en%20Guiseppe.jpg?v=1-0&quot;)"> </div>
Image type CSS background-image
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(13) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
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Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(13) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
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ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(13) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
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Image type Role="img"
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ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(14) > div > a > .photo
Snippet <div class="photo" style="background-image:url(&quot;/uploads/media/sulu-400x400-inset/05/355-Wonen%20op%20Zuid%20Joost%20en%20Caro.jpg?v=1-0&quot;)"> </div>
Image type CSS background-image
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(14) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
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Image type Role="img"
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ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(14) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
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Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path a[href$="mustafa_talib"] > .photo
Snippet <div class="photo" style="background-image:url(&quot;/uploads/media/sulu-400x400-inset/03/353-Wonen%20op%20Zuid-Mustafa%20Taib-001%2020x30.jpg?v=1-0&quot;)"> </div>
Image type CSS background-image
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ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
Path a[href$="mustafa_talib"] > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
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Image type Role="img"
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ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path a[href$="mustafa_talib"] > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Coded as Meaningful
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .logo > svg[width="\32 63"][height="\35 1"]
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Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid logo

Text alternative:37 Passed

A meaningful image must have a text alternative that serves the equivalent purpose-WCAG 1.1.137 Passed
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(1) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Accessible description (no value)
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Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(1) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(2) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(2) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(2) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(3) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
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Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(3) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
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Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(3) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(4) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(4) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(4) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(5) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(5) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(6) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(6) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(6) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(7) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(7) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(7) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(8) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(8) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(8) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(9) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(9) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(10) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(10) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href$="totle"] > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href$="totle"] > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href$="totle"] > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(13) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(13) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(13) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(14) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Accessible description (no value)
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(14) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href$="mustafa_talib"] > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href$="mustafa_talib"] > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Accessible description (no value)

Images of text:37 Passed

Images of text are allowed only where a specific appearance is required (e.g., logotypes)-WCAG 1.4.537 Passed
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(1) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(1) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(1) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
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Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
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Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
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Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(3) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(3) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(3) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(4) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(4) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(4) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(5) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(5) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(6) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(6) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(6) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(7) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(7) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(7) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(8) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(8) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(8) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(9) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(9) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(10) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(10) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path a[href$="totle"] > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path a[href$="totle"] > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path a[href$="totle"] > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(13) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(13) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(13) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(14) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(14) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path a[href$="mustafa_talib"] > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path a[href$="mustafa_talib"] > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Categorie bewoners

CAPTCHAs:0 Passed

If a CAPTCHA is used, alternative methods must be provided for both users without vision and users without hearing-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Language3 Passed

Language of page:0 Passed

A page must have the correct default language-WCAG 3.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Language of parts:0 Passed

If the language of a passage differs from the default language of the page, the passage must have its own language attribute-WCAG 3.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Text direction:0 Passed

If a page or a passage uses a script that is read right-to-left, it must have the correct text direction-WCAG 1.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Sensory4 Passed

Color as meaning:1 Passed

Color must not be used as the only visual means for conveying meaning-WCAG 1.4.11 Passed

Instructions:0 Passed

Instructions must not rely solely on color or other sensory characteristics-WCAG 1.3.30 Passed
No matching instances

Auditory cues:0 Passed

Auditory cues must be accompanied by visual cues-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Flashing:0 Passed

Web pages must not have content that flashes more than three times per second-WCAG 2.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Adaptable content7 Passed

High contrast mode:0 Passed

Websites and web apps must honor high contrast appearance settings and functions-SECTION 508 - 502.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Resize text:0 Passed

Users must be able to resize text, without using assistive technology, up to 200% with no loss of content or functionality-WCAG 1.4.40 Passed
No matching instances

Contrast:1 Passed

Text elements must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.31 Passed
Path h1
Snippet <h1 property="title">Bewoners op Zuid</h1>
Text string Bewoners op Zuid
Size large

Orientation:0 Passed

Web content must not be locked to a particular screen orientation-WCAG 1.3.40 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Reflow:0 Passed

Content must be visible without having to scroll in two dimensions-WCAG 1.4.100 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Text spacing:1 Passed

Users must be able to adjust text spacing with no loss of content or functionality-WCAG 1.4.121 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1

Hover / focus content:0 Passed

Content that appears on focus or hover must be dismissible, hoverable, and persistent-WCAG 1.4.130 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Audio / video2 Passed

Audio-only equivalent:0 Passed

Pre-recorded audio-only content must be accompanied by an equivalent text alternative-WCAG 1.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

Video-only equivalent:0 Passed

Pre-recorded video-only content must be accompanied by an equivalent text or audio alternative-WCAG 1.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

Multimedia5 Passed

Captions:0 Passed

Pre-recorded multimedia content must have captions-WCAG 1.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

No obstruction:0 Passed

Captions must not obscure or obstruct relevant information in the video-WCAG 1.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Audio description:0 Passed

Pre-recorded video with audio must have an audio description-WCAG 1.2.3WCAG 1.2.50 Passed
No matching instances

Synchronization:0 Passed

An audio description must be synchronized with the video content-WCAG 1.2.50 Passed
No matching instances

No conflict:0 Passed

An audio description must not conflict with audible information in the sound track-WCAG 1.2.50 Passed
No matching instances

Live multimedia1 Passed

Captions:0 Passed

Captions must be provided for live (streaming) video with audio-WCAG 1.2.40 Passed
No matching instances

Sequence3 Passed

CSS positioning:1 Passed

Meaningful content positioned on the page using CSS must retain its meaning when CSS is disabled-WCAG 1.3.21 Passed

Layout tables:0 Passed

The content in an HTML layout table must make sense when the table is linearized-WCAG 1.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Columns:0 Passed

Content presented in multi-column format must support a correct reading sequence-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 1.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Semantics8 Passed

CSS content:1 Passed

Meaningful content must not be implemented using only CSS :before or :after-WCAG 1.3.11 Passed

Table semantics:0 Passed

A <table> element must be coded correctly as a data table or a layout table-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Table headers:0 Passed

Coded headers must be used correctly-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Headers attribute:0 Passed

The headers attribute of a <td> element must reference the correct <th> element(s)-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Lists:0 Passed

Lists must be contained within semantically correct containers-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Emphasis:0 Passed

Words and phrases that are visually emphasized must be contained within semantically correct containers-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Quotes:0 Passed

The <blockquote> element must not be used to style non-quote text-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Letter spacing:0 Passed

Spacing characters must not be used to increase the space between letters in a word-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Pointer / motion3 Passed

Pointer gestures:0 Passed

Functions must be operable without requiring multipoint or path-based gestures-WCAG 2.5.10 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Pointer cancellation:0 Passed

Users must be able to cancel functions that can be operated using a single pointer-WCAG 2.5.20 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Motion operation:0 Passed

If a function can be operated through motion, it must also be operable through user interface components-WCAG 2.5.40 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Contrast3 Passed

UI components:43 Passed

Visual information used to identify active user interface components and their states must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.1143 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
Path .skip-to-content-link
Snippet <a href="#content" class="skip-to-content-link"> Ga naar inhoud </a>
Accessible name Ga naar inhoud
Element link
Path .desktop > a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"]
Snippet <a href="/" aria-label="Ga naar de homepagina">
Accessible name Ga naar de homepagina
Element link
Path .active
Snippet <a href="" class="active" title="Bewoners op Zuid"> Bewoners op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Bewoners op Zuid
Element link
Path a[title="Werkers\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Werkers op Zuid"> Werkers op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Werkers op Zuid
Element link
Path a[href$="activiteiten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Activiteiten"> Activiteiten </a>
Accessible name Activiteiten
Element link
Path a[href$="partners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Partners"> Partners </a>
Accessible name Partners
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(1) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/oud-worden-aan-het-water">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen Oud worden aan het water Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(2) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/op-stap-met-stadsambasadeur-van-de-afrikaanderwijk">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen Op stap met stadsambasadeur van de Afrikaanderwijk Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(3) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/van-woonplek-tot-levenswerk">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen Van woonplek tot levenswerk Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(4) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/wanneer-je-meer-dan-opstijgende-zwanen-wilt-zien">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen 'Wanneer je meer dan opstijgende zwanen wilt zien' Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(5) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/voor-de-drukte-ga-ik-de-brug-over-voor-mijn-rust-blijf-ik-op-zuid">
Accessible name Categorie wonen Categorie bewoners 'Voor de drukte ga ik de brug over, voor mijn rust blijf ik op Zuid' Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(6) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/van-amsterdam-naar-rotterdam-zuid">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen Van Amsterdam naar Rotterdam-Zuid Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(7) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/oude-vriendschappen-worden-nieuw-leven-ingeblazen">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen 'Oude vriendschappen worden nieuw leven ingeblazen' Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(8) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/zuid-is-het-betaalbare-alternatief-voor-noord">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen 'Zuid is het betaalbare alternatief voor Noord' Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(9) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/een-eigen-huis-ontwikkelen-was-onze-droom">
Accessible name Categorie wonen Categorie pijlers ‘Een eigen huis ontwikkelen, was onze droom’ Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(10) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/als-ik-dit-kan-kan-iedereen-het">
Accessible name Categorie wonen Categorie bewoners 'Als ik dit kan, kan iedereen het' Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(11) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/ons-vorige-huis-was-op-driehoog-nu-hebben-we-onze-eigen-groene-jungle">
Accessible name ‘Ons vorige huis was op driehoog. Nu hebben we onze eigen groene jungle’ Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path a[href$="totle"]
Snippet <a href="/resident/totle">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen ‘Ik ga het hier ontzettend leuk maken!’ Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(13) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/straks-hebben-we-gewoon-dat-huis-waarvan-we-droomden">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen 'Straks hebben we gewoon dat huis waarvan we droomden' Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(14) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/weg-van-zuid-dat-wilden-we-niet">
Accessible name Categorie wonen Categorie bewoners ‘Weg van Zuid? Dat wilden we niet.’ Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path a[href$="mustafa_talib"]
Snippet <a href="/mustafa_talib">
Accessible name Categorie wonen Categorie bewoners ‘We bouwen nu iets op voor de toekomst’ Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Over\ NPRZ"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Over NPRZ"> Over NPRZ </a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Bestuur"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bestuur"> Bestuur </a>
Accessible name Bestuur
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Voor\ bewoners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voor bewoners"> Voor bewoners </a>
Accessible name Voor bewoners
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Contact"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Contact"> Contact </a>
Accessible name Contact
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Voortgangsrapportage"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voortgangsrapportage"> Voortgangsrapportage </a>
Accessible name Voortgangsrapportage
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Handelingsperspectieven"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Handelingsperspectieven"> Handelingsperspectieven </a>
Accessible name Handelingsperspectieven
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Zuid\ Werkt\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Zuid Werkt!"> Zuid Werkt! </a>
Accessible name Zuid Werkt!
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Kwaliteitssprong\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Kwaliteitssprong Zuid"> Kwaliteitssprong Zuid </a>
Accessible name Kwaliteitssprong Zuid
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(5) > a
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse"> Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse </a>
Accessible name Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(6) > a[title="Regiodeal\ Rotterdam\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid"> Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid </a>
Accessible name Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(7) > a[title="Documenten\ Dicht\ de\ Kloof\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Documenten Dicht de Kloof!"> Documenten Dicht de Kloof! </a>
Accessible name Documenten Dicht de Kloof!
Element link
Path a[title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"> Toegankelijkheidsverklaring </a>
Accessible name Toegankelijkheidsverklaring
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Persberichten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Persberichten"> Persberichten </a>
Accessible name Persberichten
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="In\ de\ media"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="In de media"> In de media </a>
Accessible name In de media
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Logo\'s\,\ foto\'s\ en\ filmpjes"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Logo's, foto's en filmpjes"> Logo's, foto's en filmpjes </a>
Accessible name Logo's, foto's en filmpjes
Element link
Path a[href="tel\:\(010\)2672104"]
Snippet <a href="tel:(010)2672104">(010) 267 21 04</a>
Accessible name (010) 267 21 04
Element link
Path a[href$="mailto\:nprz\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href=""></a>
Accessible name
Element link
Path .facebook
Snippet <a class="facebook" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-facebook"></a>
Accessible name Facebook
Element link
Path .twitter
Snippet <a class="twitter" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-twitter"></a>
Accessible name Twitter
Element link
Path .instagram
Snippet <a class="instagram" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-instagram"></a>
Accessible name Instagram
Element link
Path .youtube
Snippet <a class="youtube" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-youtube"></a>
Accessible name Youtube
Element link
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Role button

State changes:43 Passed

Any visual information that indicates a component's state must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.1143 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
Path .skip-to-content-link
Snippet <a href="#content" class="skip-to-content-link"> Ga naar inhoud </a>
Accessible name Ga naar inhoud
Element link
Path .desktop > a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"]
Snippet <a href="/" aria-label="Ga naar de homepagina">
Accessible name Ga naar de homepagina
Element link
Path .active
Snippet <a href="" class="active" title="Bewoners op Zuid"> Bewoners op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Bewoners op Zuid
Element link
Path a[title="Werkers\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Werkers op Zuid"> Werkers op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Werkers op Zuid
Element link
Path a[href$="activiteiten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Activiteiten"> Activiteiten </a>
Accessible name Activiteiten
Element link
Path a[href$="partners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Partners"> Partners </a>
Accessible name Partners
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(1) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/oud-worden-aan-het-water">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen Oud worden aan het water Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(2) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/op-stap-met-stadsambasadeur-van-de-afrikaanderwijk">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen Op stap met stadsambasadeur van de Afrikaanderwijk Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(3) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/van-woonplek-tot-levenswerk">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen Van woonplek tot levenswerk Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(4) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/wanneer-je-meer-dan-opstijgende-zwanen-wilt-zien">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen 'Wanneer je meer dan opstijgende zwanen wilt zien' Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(5) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/voor-de-drukte-ga-ik-de-brug-over-voor-mijn-rust-blijf-ik-op-zuid">
Accessible name Categorie wonen Categorie bewoners 'Voor de drukte ga ik de brug over, voor mijn rust blijf ik op Zuid' Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(6) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/van-amsterdam-naar-rotterdam-zuid">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen Van Amsterdam naar Rotterdam-Zuid Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(7) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/oude-vriendschappen-worden-nieuw-leven-ingeblazen">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen 'Oude vriendschappen worden nieuw leven ingeblazen' Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(8) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/zuid-is-het-betaalbare-alternatief-voor-noord">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen 'Zuid is het betaalbare alternatief voor Noord' Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(9) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/een-eigen-huis-ontwikkelen-was-onze-droom">
Accessible name Categorie wonen Categorie pijlers ‘Een eigen huis ontwikkelen, was onze droom’ Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(10) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/als-ik-dit-kan-kan-iedereen-het">
Accessible name Categorie wonen Categorie bewoners 'Als ik dit kan, kan iedereen het' Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(11) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/ons-vorige-huis-was-op-driehoog-nu-hebben-we-onze-eigen-groene-jungle">
Accessible name ‘Ons vorige huis was op driehoog. Nu hebben we onze eigen groene jungle’ Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path a[href$="totle"]
Snippet <a href="/resident/totle">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen ‘Ik ga het hier ontzettend leuk maken!’ Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(13) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/straks-hebben-we-gewoon-dat-huis-waarvan-we-droomden">
Accessible name Categorie bewoners Categorie pijlers Categorie wonen 'Straks hebben we gewoon dat huis waarvan we droomden' Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(14) > div > a
Snippet <a href="/resident/weg-van-zuid-dat-wilden-we-niet">
Accessible name Categorie wonen Categorie bewoners ‘Weg van Zuid? Dat wilden we niet.’ Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path a[href$="mustafa_talib"]
Snippet <a href="/mustafa_talib">
Accessible name Categorie wonen Categorie bewoners ‘We bouwen nu iets op voor de toekomst’ Bekijk dit interview
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Over\ NPRZ"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Over NPRZ"> Over NPRZ </a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Bestuur"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bestuur"> Bestuur </a>
Accessible name Bestuur
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Voor\ bewoners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voor bewoners"> Voor bewoners </a>
Accessible name Voor bewoners
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Contact"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Contact"> Contact </a>
Accessible name Contact
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Voortgangsrapportage"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voortgangsrapportage"> Voortgangsrapportage </a>
Accessible name Voortgangsrapportage
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Handelingsperspectieven"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Handelingsperspectieven"> Handelingsperspectieven </a>
Accessible name Handelingsperspectieven
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Zuid\ Werkt\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Zuid Werkt!"> Zuid Werkt! </a>
Accessible name Zuid Werkt!
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Kwaliteitssprong\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Kwaliteitssprong Zuid"> Kwaliteitssprong Zuid </a>
Accessible name Kwaliteitssprong Zuid
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(5) > a
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse"> Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse </a>
Accessible name Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(6) > a[title="Regiodeal\ Rotterdam\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid"> Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid </a>
Accessible name Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(7) > a[title="Documenten\ Dicht\ de\ Kloof\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Documenten Dicht de Kloof!"> Documenten Dicht de Kloof! </a>
Accessible name Documenten Dicht de Kloof!
Element link
Path a[title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"> Toegankelijkheidsverklaring </a>
Accessible name Toegankelijkheidsverklaring
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Persberichten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Persberichten"> Persberichten </a>
Accessible name Persberichten
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="In\ de\ media"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="In de media"> In de media </a>
Accessible name In de media
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Logo\'s\,\ foto\'s\ en\ filmpjes"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Logo's, foto's en filmpjes"> Logo's, foto's en filmpjes </a>
Accessible name Logo's, foto's en filmpjes
Element link
Path a[href="tel\:\(010\)2672104"]
Snippet <a href="tel:(010)2672104">(010) 267 21 04</a>
Accessible name (010) 267 21 04
Element link
Path a[href$="mailto\:nprz\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href=""></a>
Accessible name
Element link
Path .facebook
Snippet <a class="facebook" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-facebook"></a>
Accessible name Facebook
Element link
Path .twitter
Snippet <a class="twitter" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-twitter"></a>
Accessible name Twitter
Element link
Path .instagram
Snippet <a class="instagram" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-instagram"></a>
Accessible name Instagram
Element link
Path .youtube
Snippet <a class="youtube" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-youtube"></a>
Accessible name Youtube
Element link
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Role button

Graphics:37 Passed

Graphics must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.1137 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(1) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(1) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(1) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(2) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(2) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(2) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(3) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(3) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(3) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(4) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(4) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(4) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(5) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(5) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(6) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(6) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(6) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(7) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(7) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(7) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(8) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(8) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(8) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(9) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(9) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(10) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(10) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path a[href$="totle"] > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path a[href$="totle"] > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path a[href$="totle"] > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(13) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(13) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-pijlers[aria-label="Categorie\ pijlers"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie pijlers" class="icon-pijlers"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie pijlers
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(13) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(14) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path .overview-activity:nth-child(14) > div > a > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners
Path a[href$="mustafa_talib"] > .category-icons > .icon-wonen[aria-label="Categorie\ wonen"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie wonen" class="icon-wonen"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie wonen
Path a[href$="mustafa_talib"] > .category-icons > .icon-bewoners[aria-label="Categorie\ bewoners"][role="img"]
Snippet <div role="img" aria-label="Categorie bewoners" class="icon-bewoners"></div>
Image type Role="img"
Accessible name Categorie bewoners


Assessment report

This report shows the overall accessibility of the website or web app through a combination of automated and manual tests that cover all the WCAG 2.1 AA success criteria.


Test details

Automated checks
54 Passed
6 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
5 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Repetitive content
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
2 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Native widgets
5 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Custom widgets
6 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Timed events
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Errors / status
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Page navigation
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
1 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Adaptable content
7 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Audio / video
2 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
5 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Live multimedia
1 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
8 Passed
Pointer / motion
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed

Scan details
8/27/2021, 12:56:12 PM UTC

Failed tests0 Failed

Incomplete tests0 Incomplete

Passed tests142 Passed

Automated checks54 Passed

area-alt:0 Passed

Active <area> elements must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.1WCAG 2.4.4WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-allowed-attr:5 Passed

Elements must only use allowed ARIA attributes-WCAG 4.1.25 Passed
No failing instances

aria-command-name:0 Passed

ARIA commands must have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-hidden-body:1 Passed

aria-hidden='true' must not be present on the document body-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
No failing instances

aria-hidden-focus:0 Passed

ARIA hidden element must not contain focusable elements-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-input-field-name:0 Passed

ARIA input fields must have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-meter-name:0 Passed

ARIA meter nodes must have an accessible name-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-progressbar-name:0 Passed

ARIA progressbar nodes must have an accessible name-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-required-attr:1 Passed

Required ARIA attributes must be provided-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
No failing instances

aria-required-children:0 Passed

Certain ARIA roles must contain particular children-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-required-parent:0 Passed

Certain ARIA roles must be contained by particular parents-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-roledescription:0 Passed

Use aria-roledescription on elements with a semantic role-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-roles:1 Passed

ARIA roles used must conform to valid values-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
No failing instances

aria-toggle-field-name:0 Passed

ARIA toggle fields have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-tooltip-name:0 Passed

ARIA tooltip nodes must have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-valid-attr-value:5 Passed

ARIA attributes must conform to valid values-WCAG 4.1.25 Passed
No failing instances

aria-valid-attr:5 Passed

ARIA attributes must conform to valid names-WCAG 4.1.25 Passed
No failing instances

audio-caption:0 Passed

<audio> elements must have a captions track-WCAG 1.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

autocomplete-valid:0 Passed

autocomplete attribute must be used correctly-WCAG 1.3.50 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

avoid-inline-spacing:1 Passed

Inline text spacing must be adjustable with custom stylesheets-WCAG 1.4.121 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No failing instances

blink:0 Passed

<blink> elements are deprecated and must not be used-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

button-name:0 Passed

Buttons must have discernible text-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

bypass:1 Passed

Page must have means to bypass repeated blocks-WCAG 2.4.11 Passed
No failing instances

color-contrast:41 Passed

Elements must have sufficient color contrast-WCAG 1.4.341 Passed
No failing instances

definition-list:0 Passed

<dl> elements must only directly contain properly-ordered <dt> and <dd> groups, <script>, <template> or <div> elements-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

dlitem:0 Passed

<dt> and <dd> elements must be contained by a <dl>-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

document-title:1 Passed

Documents must have <title> element to aid in navigation-WCAG 2.4.21 Passed
No failing instances

duplicate-id-active:0 Passed

IDs of active elements must be unique-WCAG 4.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

duplicate-id-aria:4 Passed

IDs used in ARIA and labels must be unique-WCAG 4.1.14 Passed
No failing instances

frame-focusable-content:0 Passed

Frames with focusable content must not have tabindex=-1-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

frame-title:0 Passed

Frames must have an accessible name-WCAG 2.4.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

html-has-lang:1 Passed

<html> element must have a lang attribute-WCAG 3.1.11 Passed
No failing instances

html-lang-valid:1 Passed

<html> element must have a valid value for the lang attribute-WCAG 3.1.11 Passed
No failing instances

html-xml-lang-mismatch:0 Passed

HTML elements with lang and xml:lang must have the same base language-WCAG 3.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

image-alt:0 Passed

Images must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

input-button-name:0 Passed

Input buttons must have discernible text-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

input-image-alt:0 Passed

Image buttons must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

label:0 Passed

Form elements must have labels-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

link-name:28 Passed

Links must have discernible text-WCAG 2.4.4WCAG 4.1.228 Passed
No failing instances

list:10 Passed

<ul> and <ol> must only directly contain <li>, <script> or <template> elements-WCAG 1.3.110 Passed
No failing instances

listitem:32 Passed

<li> elements must be contained in a <ul> or <ol>-WCAG 1.3.132 Passed
No failing instances

marquee:0 Passed

<marquee> elements are deprecated and must not be used-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

meta-refresh:0 Passed

Timed refresh must not exist-WCAG 2.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

nested-interactive:1 Passed

Ensure interactive controls are not nested-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
No failing instances

object-alt:0 Passed

<object> elements must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

role-img-alt:0 Passed

[role='img'] elements have an alternative text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

scrollable-region-focusable:0 Passed

Ensure that scrollable region has keyboard access-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

select-name:0 Passed

Select element must have an accessible name-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

server-side-image-map:0 Passed

Server-side image maps must not be used-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

svg-img-alt:0 Passed

svg elements with an img role have an alternative text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

td-headers-attr:0 Passed

All cells in a table element that use the headers attribute must only refer to other cells of that same table-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

th-has-data-cells:0 Passed

All th elements and elements with role=columnheader/rowheader must have data cells they describe-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

valid-lang:0 Passed

lang attribute must have a valid value-WCAG 3.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

video-caption:0 Passed

<video> elements must have captions-WCAG 1.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Keyboard6 Passed

Keyboard navigation:0 Passed

Users must be able to navigate to all interactive interface components using a keyboard-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

No keyboard traps:0 Passed

Users must be able to navigate away from all components using a keyboard-WCAG 2.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

On focus:0 Passed

Navigating to a component must not trigger any unexpected change of context-WCAG 3.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

On input:0 Passed

Changing a component's settings must not trigger any unexpected change of context-WCAG 3.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

No keystroke timings:0 Passed

Components must not require specific timings for individual keystrokes-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Character key shortcuts:0 Passed

Users must be able to turn off or remap character key shortcuts-WCAG 2.1.40 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Focus5 Passed

Visible focus:0 Passed

Components must provide a visible indication when they have the input focus-WCAG 2.4.70 Passed
No matching instances

Revealing content:0 Passed

Activating a component that reveals hidden content must move input focus into the revealed content-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Modal dialogs:0 Passed

Users must not be able to Tab away from a modal dialog without explicitly dismissing it-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Closing content:0 Passed

Closing revealed content must return input focus to the component that revealed it-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Focus order:0 Passed

Components must receive focus in an order that preserves meaning and operability-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Landmarks3 Passed

Landmark roles:7 Passed

A landmark region must have the role that best describes its content-WCAG 1.3.17 Passed
Path header
Snippet <header>
Role banner
Path #content
Snippet <main id="content" vocab="" typeof="Content">
Role main
Path aside
Snippet <aside> </aside>
Role complementary
Path footer
Snippet <footer>
Role contentinfo
Path .main-navigation
Snippet <nav class="main-navigation animated">
Role navigation
Path .footer-navigation
Snippet <nav class="footer-navigation">
Role navigation
Path .bottom-navigation
Snippet <nav class="bottom-navigation"> <ul class="menu-depth-1"> </ul> </nav>
Role navigation

Primary content:1 Passed

The main landmark must contain all of the page's primary content-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.11 Passed

No repeating content:1 Passed

The main landmark must not contain any blocks of content that repeat across pages-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.11 Passed

Headings3 Passed

Heading function:7 Passed

An element coded as a heading must function as a heading-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.67 Passed
Path .header-title > h1
Snippet <h1 property="title">'Straks hebben we gewoon dat huis waarvan we droomden'</h1>
Heading text 'Straks hebben we gewoon dat huis waarvan we droomden'
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(1) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">NPRZ</h3>
Heading text NPRZ
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(2) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">Onze documenten</h3>
Heading text Onze documenten
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(3) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">Media</h3>
Heading text Media
Path .contactdata > h2
Snippet <h2>Contact</h2>
Heading text Contact
Path .socialmedia > h2
Snippet <h2>Volg ons op:</h2>
Heading text Volg ons op:
Path .footer-footer > h3
Snippet <h3>© NPRZ 2017 - 2021</h3>
Heading text © NPRZ 2017 - 2021

No missing headings:1 Passed

Text that looks like a heading must be coded as a heading-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.11 Passed

Heading level:7 Passed

A heading's programmatic level must match the level that's presented visually-WCAG 1.3.17 Passed
Path .header-title > h1
Snippet <h1 property="title">'Straks hebben we gewoon dat huis waarvan we droomden'</h1>
Heading text 'Straks hebben we gewoon dat huis waarvan we droomden'
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(1) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">NPRZ</h3>
Heading text NPRZ
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(2) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">Onze documenten</h3>
Heading text Onze documenten
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(3) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">Media</h3>
Heading text Media
Path .contactdata > h2
Snippet <h2>Contact</h2>
Heading text Contact
Path .socialmedia > h2
Snippet <h2>Volg ons op:</h2>
Heading text Volg ons op:
Path .footer-footer > h3
Snippet <h3>© NPRZ 2017 - 2021</h3>
Heading text © NPRZ 2017 - 2021

Repetitive content3 Passed

Bypass blocks:0 Passed

A page must provide a keyboard-accessible method to bypass repetitive content-WCAG 2.4.10 Passed
No matching instances

Consistent navigation:0 Passed

Navigational mechanisms that appear on multiple pages must be presented in the same relative order-WCAG 3.2.30 Passed
No matching instances

Consistent identification:0 Passed

Functional components that appear on multiple pages must be identified consistently-WCAG 3.2.40 Passed
No matching instances

Links2 Passed

Link function:5 Passed

If an anchor element functions as a custom widget, it must have the appropriate ARIA widget role-WCAG 4.1.25 Passed
Path .desktop > a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"]
Snippet <a href="/" aria-label="Ga naar de homepagina">
Accessible name Ga naar de homepagina
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-label Ga naar de homepagina
Path .facebook
Snippet <a class="facebook" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-facebook"></a>
Accessible name Facebook
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelledby label-facebook
Path .twitter
Snippet <a class="twitter" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-twitter"></a>
Accessible name Twitter
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelledby label-twitter
Path .instagram
Snippet <a class="instagram" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-instagram"></a>
Accessible name Instagram
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelledby label-instagram
Path .youtube
Snippet <a class="youtube" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-youtube"></a>
Accessible name Youtube
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelledby label-youtube

Link purpose:27 Passed

The purpose of a link must be described by its link text alone, or by the link text together with preceding page context-WCAG 2.4.427 Passed
Path .desktop > a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"]
Snippet <a href="/" aria-label="Ga naar de homepagina">
Accessible name Ga naar de homepagina
Accessible description (no value)
Path .facebook
Snippet <a class="facebook" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-facebook"></a>
Accessible name Facebook
Accessible description (no value)
Path .twitter
Snippet <a class="twitter" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-twitter"></a>
Accessible name Twitter
Accessible description (no value)
Path .instagram
Snippet <a class="instagram" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-instagram"></a>
Accessible name Instagram
Accessible description (no value)
Path .youtube
Snippet <a class="youtube" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-youtube"></a>
Accessible name Youtube
Accessible description (no value)
Path .skip-to-content-link
Snippet <a href="#content" class="skip-to-content-link"> Ga naar inhoud </a>
Accessible name Ga naar inhoud
Accessible description (no value)
URL #content
Path a[title="Bewoners\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bewoners op Zuid"> Bewoners op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Bewoners op Zuid
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[title="Werkers\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Werkers op Zuid"> Werkers op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Werkers op Zuid
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href$="activiteiten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Activiteiten"> Activiteiten </a>
Accessible name Activiteiten
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href$="partners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Partners"> Partners </a>
Accessible name Partners
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Over\ NPRZ"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Over NPRZ"> Over NPRZ </a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Bestuur"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bestuur"> Bestuur </a>
Accessible name Bestuur
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Voor\ bewoners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voor bewoners"> Voor bewoners </a>
Accessible name Voor bewoners
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Contact"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Contact"> Contact </a>
Accessible name Contact
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Voortgangsrapportage"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voortgangsrapportage"> Voortgangsrapportage </a>
Accessible name Voortgangsrapportage
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Handelingsperspectieven"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Handelingsperspectieven"> Handelingsperspectieven </a>
Accessible name Handelingsperspectieven
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Zuid\ Werkt\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Zuid Werkt!"> Zuid Werkt! </a>
Accessible name Zuid Werkt!
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Kwaliteitssprong\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Kwaliteitssprong Zuid"> Kwaliteitssprong Zuid </a>
Accessible name Kwaliteitssprong Zuid
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(5) > a
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse"> Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse </a>
Accessible name Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(6) > a[title="Regiodeal\ Rotterdam\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid"> Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid </a>
Accessible name Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(7) > a[title="Documenten\ Dicht\ de\ Kloof\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Documenten Dicht de Kloof!"> Documenten Dicht de Kloof! </a>
Accessible name Documenten Dicht de Kloof!
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"> Toegankelijkheidsverklaring </a>
Accessible name Toegankelijkheidsverklaring
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Persberichten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Persberichten"> Persberichten </a>
Accessible name Persberichten
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="In\ de\ media"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="In de media"> In de media </a>
Accessible name In de media
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Logo\'s\,\ foto\'s\ en\ filmpjes"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Logo's, foto's en filmpjes"> Logo's, foto's en filmpjes </a>
Accessible name Logo's, foto's en filmpjes
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href="tel\:\(010\)2672104"]
Snippet <a href="tel:(010)2672104">(010) 267 21 04</a>
Accessible name (010) 267 21 04
Accessible description (no value)
URL tel:(010)2672104
Path a[href$="mailto\:nprz\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href=""></a>
Accessible name
Accessible description (no value)

Native widgets5 Passed

Widget function:0 Passed

If a native widget functions as a custom widget, it must have the appropriate ARIA widget role-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Instructions:0 Passed

If a native widget has a visible label or instructions, they must be programmatically determinable-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.5.30 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Expected input:0 Passed

A native widget must have a label and/or instructions that identify the expected input-WCAG 3.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Cues:0 Passed

If a native widget adopts certain interactive states, it must provide appropriate cues-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Autocomplete:0 Passed

Text fields that serve certain purposes must have the correct HTML5 autocomplete attribute-WCAG 1.3.50 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Custom widgets6 Passed

Design pattern:1 Passed

A custom widget must have the appropriate ARIA widget role for its design pattern-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Widget role button
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -

Instructions:1 Passed

If a custom widget has a visible label or instructions, they must be programmatically determinable-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.5.31 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -
Accessible description -

Expected input:1 Passed

A custom widget must have a label and/or instructions that identify the expected input-WCAG 3.3.21 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -
Accessible description -

Role, state, property:1 Passed

A custom widget must support the ARIA roles, states, and properties specified by its design pattern-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -

Cues:1 Passed

If a custom widget adopts certain interactive states, it must communicate those states programmatically-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Widget role button
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
HTML cues -
ARIA cues -

Keyboard interaction:1 Passed

A custom widget must support the keyboard interaction specified by its design pattern-WCAG 2.1.11 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -

Timed events4 Passed

Time limits:0 Passed

If a time limit is set by the content, the user must be able to turn off, adjust, or extend the time limit-WCAG 2.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

Moving content:0 Passed

If content moves, blinks, or scrolls automatically for more than five seconds, users must be able to pause, stop, or hide it-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Auto-updating content:0 Passed

If content updates automatically, users must be able to pause, stop, hide, or control frequency of the updates-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Audio control:0 Passed

If audio content plays automatically for longer than three seconds, users must be able to pause or mute it-WCAG 1.4.20 Passed
No matching instances

Errors / status4 Passed

Error identification:0 Passed

If an input error is automatically detected, the item in error must be identified, and the error described, in text-WCAG 3.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Error suggestion:0 Passed

If an input error is automatically detected, guidance for correcting the error must be provided-WCAG 3.3.30 Passed
No matching instances

Error prevention:0 Passed

If submitting data might have serious consequences, users must be able to correct the data input before finalizing a submission-WCAG 3.3.40 Passed
No matching instances

Status messages:0 Passed

Status messages must be programmatically determinable without receiving focus-WCAG 4.1.30 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Page navigation3 Passed

Page title:1 Passed

A web page must have a title that describes its topic or purpose-WCAG 2.4.21 Passed
Path html
Snippet <html lang="nl">
Page title 'Straks hebben we gewoon dat huis waarvan we droomden'

Frame title:0 Passed

A frame or iframe must have a title that describes its content-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Multiple ways:0 Passed

Users must have multiple ways to navigate to a page-WCAG 2.4.50 Passed
No matching instances

Parsing1 Passed

Parsing:0 Passed

Elements must have complete start and end tags, must not contain duplicate attributes, and must be nested according to their specifications-WCAG 4.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Images4 Passed

Image function:3 Passed

Every image must be coded as either meaningful or decorative-WCAG 1.1.13 Passed
Path a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"] > svg[width="\32 63"][height="\35 1"]
Snippet <svg width="263" height="51" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid logo
Path .header-image
Snippet <div class="header-image" style="background-image: url('/uploads/media/header-image/08/358-Wonen%20op%20Zuid-Cristina%20en%20Guiseppe.jpg?v=1-0')">
Image type CSS background-image
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
Path .logo > svg[width="\32 63"][height="\35 1"]
Snippet <svg width="263" height="51" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid logo

Text alternative:0 Passed

A meaningful image must have a text alternative that serves the equivalent purpose-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Images of text:0 Passed

Images of text are allowed only where a specific appearance is required (e.g., logotypes)-WCAG 1.4.50 Passed
No matching instances

CAPTCHAs:0 Passed

If a CAPTCHA is used, alternative methods must be provided for both users without vision and users without hearing-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Language3 Passed

Language of page:0 Passed

A page must have the correct default language-WCAG 3.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Language of parts:0 Passed

If the language of a passage differs from the default language of the page, the passage must have its own language attribute-WCAG 3.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Text direction:0 Passed

If a page or a passage uses a script that is read right-to-left, it must have the correct text direction-WCAG 1.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Sensory4 Passed

Color as meaning:1 Passed

Color must not be used as the only visual means for conveying meaning-WCAG 1.4.11 Passed

Instructions:0 Passed

Instructions must not rely solely on color or other sensory characteristics-WCAG 1.3.30 Passed
No matching instances

Auditory cues:0 Passed

Auditory cues must be accompanied by visual cues-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Flashing:0 Passed

Web pages must not have content that flashes more than three times per second-WCAG 2.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Adaptable content7 Passed

High contrast mode:0 Passed

Websites and web apps must honor high contrast appearance settings and functions-SECTION 508 - 502.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Resize text:0 Passed

Users must be able to resize text, without using assistive technology, up to 200% with no loss of content or functionality-WCAG 1.4.40 Passed
No matching instances

Contrast:0 Passed

Text elements must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Orientation:0 Passed

Web content must not be locked to a particular screen orientation-WCAG 1.3.40 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Reflow:0 Passed

Content must be visible without having to scroll in two dimensions-WCAG 1.4.100 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Text spacing:1 Passed

Users must be able to adjust text spacing with no loss of content or functionality-WCAG 1.4.121 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1

Hover / focus content:0 Passed

Content that appears on focus or hover must be dismissible, hoverable, and persistent-WCAG 1.4.130 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Audio / video2 Passed

Audio-only equivalent:0 Passed

Pre-recorded audio-only content must be accompanied by an equivalent text alternative-WCAG 1.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

Video-only equivalent:0 Passed

Pre-recorded video-only content must be accompanied by an equivalent text or audio alternative-WCAG 1.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

Multimedia5 Passed

Captions:0 Passed

Pre-recorded multimedia content must have captions-WCAG 1.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

No obstruction:0 Passed

Captions must not obscure or obstruct relevant information in the video-WCAG 1.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Audio description:0 Passed

Pre-recorded video with audio must have an audio description-WCAG 1.2.3WCAG 1.2.50 Passed
No matching instances

Synchronization:0 Passed

An audio description must be synchronized with the video content-WCAG 1.2.50 Passed
No matching instances

No conflict:0 Passed

An audio description must not conflict with audible information in the sound track-WCAG 1.2.50 Passed
No matching instances

Live multimedia1 Passed

Captions:0 Passed

Captions must be provided for live (streaming) video with audio-WCAG 1.2.40 Passed
No matching instances

Sequence3 Passed

CSS positioning:1 Passed

Meaningful content positioned on the page using CSS must retain its meaning when CSS is disabled-WCAG 1.3.21 Passed

Layout tables:0 Passed

The content in an HTML layout table must make sense when the table is linearized-WCAG 1.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Columns:0 Passed

Content presented in multi-column format must support a correct reading sequence-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 1.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Semantics8 Passed

CSS content:1 Passed

Meaningful content must not be implemented using only CSS :before or :after-WCAG 1.3.11 Passed

Table semantics:0 Passed

A <table> element must be coded correctly as a data table or a layout table-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Table headers:0 Passed

Coded headers must be used correctly-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Headers attribute:0 Passed

The headers attribute of a <td> element must reference the correct <th> element(s)-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Lists:0 Passed

Lists must be contained within semantically correct containers-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Emphasis:0 Passed

Words and phrases that are visually emphasized must be contained within semantically correct containers-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Quotes:0 Passed

The <blockquote> element must not be used to style non-quote text-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Letter spacing:0 Passed

Spacing characters must not be used to increase the space between letters in a word-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Pointer / motion3 Passed

Pointer gestures:0 Passed

Functions must be operable without requiring multipoint or path-based gestures-WCAG 2.5.10 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Pointer cancellation:0 Passed

Users must be able to cancel functions that can be operated using a single pointer-WCAG 2.5.20 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Motion operation:0 Passed

If a function can be operated through motion, it must also be operable through user interface components-WCAG 2.5.40 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Contrast3 Passed

UI components:28 Passed

Visual information used to identify active user interface components and their states must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.1128 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
Path .skip-to-content-link
Snippet <a href="#content" class="skip-to-content-link"> Ga naar inhoud </a>
Accessible name Ga naar inhoud
Element link
Path .desktop > a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"]
Snippet <a href="/" aria-label="Ga naar de homepagina">
Accessible name Ga naar de homepagina
Element link
Path a[title="Bewoners\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bewoners op Zuid"> Bewoners op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Bewoners op Zuid
Element link
Path a[title="Werkers\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Werkers op Zuid"> Werkers op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Werkers op Zuid
Element link
Path a[href$="activiteiten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Activiteiten"> Activiteiten </a>
Accessible name Activiteiten
Element link
Path a[href$="partners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Partners"> Partners </a>
Accessible name Partners
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Over\ NPRZ"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Over NPRZ"> Over NPRZ </a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Bestuur"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bestuur"> Bestuur </a>
Accessible name Bestuur
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Voor\ bewoners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voor bewoners"> Voor bewoners </a>
Accessible name Voor bewoners
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Contact"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Contact"> Contact </a>
Accessible name Contact
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Voortgangsrapportage"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voortgangsrapportage"> Voortgangsrapportage </a>
Accessible name Voortgangsrapportage
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Handelingsperspectieven"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Handelingsperspectieven"> Handelingsperspectieven </a>
Accessible name Handelingsperspectieven
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Zuid\ Werkt\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Zuid Werkt!"> Zuid Werkt! </a>
Accessible name Zuid Werkt!
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Kwaliteitssprong\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Kwaliteitssprong Zuid"> Kwaliteitssprong Zuid </a>
Accessible name Kwaliteitssprong Zuid
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(5) > a
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse"> Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse </a>
Accessible name Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(6) > a[title="Regiodeal\ Rotterdam\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid"> Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid </a>
Accessible name Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(7) > a[title="Documenten\ Dicht\ de\ Kloof\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Documenten Dicht de Kloof!"> Documenten Dicht de Kloof! </a>
Accessible name Documenten Dicht de Kloof!
Element link
Path a[title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"> Toegankelijkheidsverklaring </a>
Accessible name Toegankelijkheidsverklaring
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Persberichten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Persberichten"> Persberichten </a>
Accessible name Persberichten
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="In\ de\ media"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="In de media"> In de media </a>
Accessible name In de media
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Logo\'s\,\ foto\'s\ en\ filmpjes"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Logo's, foto's en filmpjes"> Logo's, foto's en filmpjes </a>
Accessible name Logo's, foto's en filmpjes
Element link
Path a[href="tel\:\(010\)2672104"]
Snippet <a href="tel:(010)2672104">(010) 267 21 04</a>
Accessible name (010) 267 21 04
Element link
Path a[href$="mailto\:nprz\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href=""></a>
Accessible name
Element link
Path .facebook
Snippet <a class="facebook" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-facebook"></a>
Accessible name Facebook
Element link
Path .twitter
Snippet <a class="twitter" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-twitter"></a>
Accessible name Twitter
Element link
Path .instagram
Snippet <a class="instagram" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-instagram"></a>
Accessible name Instagram
Element link
Path .youtube
Snippet <a class="youtube" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-youtube"></a>
Accessible name Youtube
Element link
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Role button

State changes:28 Passed

Any visual information that indicates a component's state must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.1128 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
Path .skip-to-content-link
Snippet <a href="#content" class="skip-to-content-link"> Ga naar inhoud </a>
Accessible name Ga naar inhoud
Element link
Path .desktop > a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"]
Snippet <a href="/" aria-label="Ga naar de homepagina">
Accessible name Ga naar de homepagina
Element link
Path a[title="Bewoners\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bewoners op Zuid"> Bewoners op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Bewoners op Zuid
Element link
Path a[title="Werkers\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Werkers op Zuid"> Werkers op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Werkers op Zuid
Element link
Path a[href$="activiteiten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Activiteiten"> Activiteiten </a>
Accessible name Activiteiten
Element link
Path a[href$="partners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Partners"> Partners </a>
Accessible name Partners
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Over\ NPRZ"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Over NPRZ"> Over NPRZ </a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Bestuur"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bestuur"> Bestuur </a>
Accessible name Bestuur
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Voor\ bewoners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voor bewoners"> Voor bewoners </a>
Accessible name Voor bewoners
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Contact"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Contact"> Contact </a>
Accessible name Contact
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Voortgangsrapportage"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voortgangsrapportage"> Voortgangsrapportage </a>
Accessible name Voortgangsrapportage
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Handelingsperspectieven"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Handelingsperspectieven"> Handelingsperspectieven </a>
Accessible name Handelingsperspectieven
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Zuid\ Werkt\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Zuid Werkt!"> Zuid Werkt! </a>
Accessible name Zuid Werkt!
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Kwaliteitssprong\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Kwaliteitssprong Zuid"> Kwaliteitssprong Zuid </a>
Accessible name Kwaliteitssprong Zuid
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(5) > a
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse"> Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse </a>
Accessible name Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(6) > a[title="Regiodeal\ Rotterdam\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid"> Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid </a>
Accessible name Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(7) > a[title="Documenten\ Dicht\ de\ Kloof\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Documenten Dicht de Kloof!"> Documenten Dicht de Kloof! </a>
Accessible name Documenten Dicht de Kloof!
Element link
Path a[title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"> Toegankelijkheidsverklaring </a>
Accessible name Toegankelijkheidsverklaring
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Persberichten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Persberichten"> Persberichten </a>
Accessible name Persberichten
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="In\ de\ media"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="In de media"> In de media </a>
Accessible name In de media
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Logo\'s\,\ foto\'s\ en\ filmpjes"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Logo's, foto's en filmpjes"> Logo's, foto's en filmpjes </a>
Accessible name Logo's, foto's en filmpjes
Element link
Path a[href="tel\:\(010\)2672104"]
Snippet <a href="tel:(010)2672104">(010) 267 21 04</a>
Accessible name (010) 267 21 04
Element link
Path a[href$="mailto\:nprz\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href=""></a>
Accessible name
Element link
Path .facebook
Snippet <a class="facebook" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-facebook"></a>
Accessible name Facebook
Element link
Path .twitter
Snippet <a class="twitter" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-twitter"></a>
Accessible name Twitter
Element link
Path .instagram
Snippet <a class="instagram" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-instagram"></a>
Accessible name Instagram
Element link
Path .youtube
Snippet <a class="youtube" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-youtube"></a>
Accessible name Youtube
Element link
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Role button

Graphics:0 Passed

Graphics must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.110 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances


Assessment report

This report shows the overall accessibility of the website or web app through a combination of automated and manual tests that cover all the WCAG 2.1 AA success criteria.


Test details

Automated checks
53 Passed
6 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
5 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Repetitive content
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
2 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Native widgets
5 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Custom widgets
6 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Timed events
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Errors / status
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Page navigation
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
1 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Adaptable content
7 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Audio / video
2 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
5 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Live multimedia
1 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
8 Passed
Pointer / motion
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed

Scan details
8/31/2021, 11:59:26 AM UTC

Failed tests0 Failed

Incomplete tests0 Incomplete

Passed tests141 Passed

Automated checks53 Passed

area-alt:0 Passed

Active <area> elements must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.1WCAG 2.4.4WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-allowed-attr:5 Passed

Elements must only use allowed ARIA attributes-WCAG 4.1.25 Passed
No failing instances

aria-command-name:0 Passed

ARIA commands must have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-hidden-body:1 Passed

aria-hidden='true' must not be present on the document body-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
No failing instances

aria-hidden-focus:0 Passed

ARIA hidden element must not contain focusable elements-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-input-field-name:0 Passed

ARIA input fields must have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-meter-name:0 Passed

ARIA meter nodes must have an accessible name-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-progressbar-name:0 Passed

ARIA progressbar nodes must have an accessible name-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-required-attr:2 Passed

Required ARIA attributes must be provided-WCAG 4.1.22 Passed
No failing instances

aria-required-children:0 Passed

Certain ARIA roles must contain particular children-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-required-parent:0 Passed

Certain ARIA roles must be contained by particular parents-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-roledescription:0 Passed

Use aria-roledescription on elements with a semantic role-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-roles:2 Passed

ARIA roles used must conform to valid values-WCAG 4.1.22 Passed
No failing instances

aria-toggle-field-name:0 Passed

ARIA toggle fields have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-tooltip-name:0 Passed

ARIA tooltip nodes must have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-valid-attr-value:7 Passed

ARIA attributes must conform to valid values-WCAG 4.1.27 Passed
No failing instances

aria-valid-attr:7 Passed

ARIA attributes must conform to valid names-WCAG 4.1.27 Passed
No failing instances

audio-caption:0 Passed

<audio> elements must have a captions track-WCAG 1.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

autocomplete-valid:0 Passed

autocomplete attribute must be used correctly-WCAG 1.3.50 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

avoid-inline-spacing:2 Passed

Inline text spacing must be adjustable with custom stylesheets-WCAG 1.4.122 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No failing instances

blink:0 Passed

<blink> elements are deprecated and must not be used-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

button-name:1 Passed

Buttons must have discernible text-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
No failing instances

bypass:1 Passed

Page must have means to bypass repeated blocks-WCAG 2.4.11 Passed
No failing instances

color-contrast:58 Passed

Elements must have sufficient color contrast-WCAG 1.4.358 Passed
No failing instances

definition-list:0 Passed

<dl> elements must only directly contain properly-ordered <dt> and <dd> groups, <script>, <template> or <div> elements-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

dlitem:0 Passed

<dt> and <dd> elements must be contained by a <dl>-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

document-title:1 Passed

Documents must have <title> element to aid in navigation-WCAG 2.4.21 Passed
No failing instances

duplicate-id-active:1 Passed

IDs of active elements must be unique-WCAG 4.1.11 Passed
No failing instances

duplicate-id-aria:8 Passed

IDs used in ARIA and labels must be unique-WCAG 4.1.18 Passed
No failing instances

frame-focusable-content:0 Passed

Frames with focusable content must not have tabindex=-1-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

frame-title:1 Passed

Frames must have an accessible name-WCAG 2.4.1WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
No failing instances

html-has-lang:1 Passed

<html> element must have a lang attribute-WCAG 3.1.11 Passed
No failing instances

html-lang-valid:1 Passed

<html> element must have a valid value for the lang attribute-WCAG 3.1.11 Passed
No failing instances

html-xml-lang-mismatch:0 Passed

HTML elements with lang and xml:lang must have the same base language-WCAG 3.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

image-alt:0 Passed

Images must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

input-button-name:0 Passed

Input buttons must have discernible text-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

input-image-alt:0 Passed

Image buttons must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

label:4 Passed

Form elements must have labels-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.24 Passed
No failing instances

link-name:38 Passed

Links must have discernible text-WCAG 2.4.4WCAG 4.1.238 Passed
No failing instances

list:10 Passed

<ul> and <ol> must only directly contain <li>, <script> or <template> elements-WCAG 1.3.110 Passed
No failing instances

listitem:32 Passed

<li> elements must be contained in a <ul> or <ol>-WCAG 1.3.132 Passed
No failing instances

marquee:0 Passed

<marquee> elements are deprecated and must not be used-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

meta-refresh:0 Passed

Timed refresh must not exist-WCAG 2.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

nested-interactive:2 Passed

Ensure interactive controls are not nested-WCAG 4.1.22 Passed
No failing instances

object-alt:0 Passed

<object> elements must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

role-img-alt:0 Passed

[role='img'] elements have an alternative text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

select-name:0 Passed

Select element must have an accessible name-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

server-side-image-map:0 Passed

Server-side image maps must not be used-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

svg-img-alt:0 Passed

svg elements with an img role have an alternative text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

td-headers-attr:0 Passed

All cells in a table element that use the headers attribute must only refer to other cells of that same table-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

th-has-data-cells:0 Passed

All th elements and elements with role=columnheader/rowheader must have data cells they describe-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

valid-lang:0 Passed

lang attribute must have a valid value-WCAG 3.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

video-caption:0 Passed

<video> elements must have captions-WCAG 1.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Keyboard6 Passed

Keyboard navigation:0 Passed

Users must be able to navigate to all interactive interface components using a keyboard-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

No keyboard traps:0 Passed

Users must be able to navigate away from all components using a keyboard-WCAG 2.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

On focus:0 Passed

Navigating to a component must not trigger any unexpected change of context-WCAG 3.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

On input:0 Passed

Changing a component's settings must not trigger any unexpected change of context-WCAG 3.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

No keystroke timings:0 Passed

Components must not require specific timings for individual keystrokes-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Character key shortcuts:0 Passed

Users must be able to turn off or remap character key shortcuts-WCAG 2.1.40 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Focus5 Passed

Visible focus:0 Passed

Components must provide a visible indication when they have the input focus-WCAG 2.4.70 Passed
No matching instances

Revealing content:0 Passed

Activating a component that reveals hidden content must move input focus into the revealed content-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Modal dialogs:0 Passed

Users must not be able to Tab away from a modal dialog without explicitly dismissing it-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Closing content:0 Passed

Closing revealed content must return input focus to the component that revealed it-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Focus order:0 Passed

Components must receive focus in an order that preserves meaning and operability-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Landmarks3 Passed

Landmark roles:7 Passed

A landmark region must have the role that best describes its content-WCAG 1.3.17 Passed
Path header
Snippet <header>
Role banner
Path #content
Snippet <main id="content" vocab="" typeof="Content">
Role main
Path aside
Snippet <aside> </aside>
Role complementary
Path footer
Snippet <footer>
Role contentinfo
Path .main-navigation
Snippet <nav class="main-navigation animated">
Role navigation
Path .footer-navigation
Snippet <nav class="footer-navigation">
Role navigation
Path .bottom-navigation
Snippet <nav class="bottom-navigation"> <ul class="menu-depth-1"> </ul> </nav>
Role navigation

Primary content:1 Passed

The main landmark must contain all of the page's primary content-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.11 Passed

No repeating content:1 Passed

The main landmark must not contain any blocks of content that repeat across pages-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.11 Passed

Headings3 Passed

Heading function:10 Passed

An element coded as a heading must function as a heading-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.610 Passed
Path h1
Snippet <h1 property="title">Contact</h1>
Heading text Contact
Path .content > .name
Snippet <h3 class="name">Programmabureau NPRZ</h3>
Heading text Programmabureau NPRZ
Path h2[property="title"]
Snippet <h2 property="title">Medewerkers programmabureau NPRZ</h2>
Heading text Medewerkers programmabureau NPRZ
Path .contactform > h2
Snippet <h2>Contact opnemen</h2>
Heading text Contact opnemen
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(1) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">NPRZ</h3>
Heading text NPRZ
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(2) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">Onze documenten</h3>
Heading text Onze documenten
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(3) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">Media</h3>
Heading text Media
Path .contactdata > h2
Snippet <h2>Contact</h2>
Heading text Contact
Path .socialmedia > h2
Snippet <h2>Volg ons op:</h2>
Heading text Volg ons op:
Path .footer-footer > h3
Snippet <h3>© NPRZ 2017 - 2021</h3>
Heading text © NPRZ 2017 - 2021

No missing headings:1 Passed

Text that looks like a heading must be coded as a heading-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.11 Passed

Heading level:10 Passed

A heading's programmatic level must match the level that's presented visually-WCAG 1.3.110 Passed
Path h1
Snippet <h1 property="title">Contact</h1>
Heading text Contact
Path .content > .name
Snippet <h3 class="name">Programmabureau NPRZ</h3>
Heading text Programmabureau NPRZ
Path h2[property="title"]
Snippet <h2 property="title">Medewerkers programmabureau NPRZ</h2>
Heading text Medewerkers programmabureau NPRZ
Path .contactform > h2
Snippet <h2>Contact opnemen</h2>
Heading text Contact opnemen
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(1) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">NPRZ</h3>
Heading text NPRZ
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(2) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">Onze documenten</h3>
Heading text Onze documenten
Path .item-depth-4:nth-child(3) > .menu--header
Snippet <h3 class="menu--header">Media</h3>
Heading text Media
Path .contactdata > h2
Snippet <h2>Contact</h2>
Heading text Contact
Path .socialmedia > h2
Snippet <h2>Volg ons op:</h2>
Heading text Volg ons op:
Path .footer-footer > h3
Snippet <h3>© NPRZ 2017 - 2021</h3>
Heading text © NPRZ 2017 - 2021

Repetitive content3 Passed

Bypass blocks:0 Passed

A page must provide a keyboard-accessible method to bypass repetitive content-WCAG 2.4.10 Passed
No matching instances

Consistent navigation:0 Passed

Navigational mechanisms that appear on multiple pages must be presented in the same relative order-WCAG 3.2.30 Passed
No matching instances

Consistent identification:0 Passed

Functional components that appear on multiple pages must be identified consistently-WCAG 3.2.40 Passed
No matching instances

Links2 Passed

Link function:5 Passed

If an anchor element functions as a custom widget, it must have the appropriate ARIA widget role-WCAG 4.1.25 Passed
Path .desktop > a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"]
Snippet <a href="/" aria-label="Ga naar de homepagina">
Accessible name Ga naar de homepagina
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-label Ga naar de homepagina
Path .facebook
Snippet <a class="facebook" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-facebook"></a>
Accessible name Facebook
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelledby label-facebook
Path .twitter
Snippet <a class="twitter" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-twitter"></a>
Accessible name Twitter
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelledby label-twitter
Path .instagram
Snippet <a class="instagram" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-instagram"></a>
Accessible name Instagram
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelledby label-instagram
Path .youtube
Snippet <a class="youtube" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-youtube"></a>
Accessible name Youtube
Role (no value)
Tab Index (no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelledby label-youtube

Link purpose:37 Passed

The purpose of a link must be described by its link text alone, or by the link text together with preceding page context-WCAG 2.4.437 Passed
Path .desktop > a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"]
Snippet <a href="/" aria-label="Ga naar de homepagina">
Accessible name Ga naar de homepagina
Accessible description (no value)
Path .facebook
Snippet <a class="facebook" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-facebook"></a>
Accessible name Facebook
Accessible description (no value)
Path .twitter
Snippet <a class="twitter" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-twitter"></a>
Accessible name Twitter
Accessible description (no value)
Path .instagram
Snippet <a class="instagram" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-instagram"></a>
Accessible name Instagram
Accessible description (no value)
Path .youtube
Snippet <a class="youtube" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-youtube"></a>
Accessible name Youtube
Accessible description (no value)
Path .skip-to-content-link
Snippet <a href="#content" class="skip-to-content-link"> Ga naar inhoud </a>
Accessible name Ga naar inhoud
Accessible description (no value)
URL #content
Path a[title="Bewoners\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bewoners op Zuid"> Bewoners op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Bewoners op Zuid
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[title="Werkers\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Werkers op Zuid"> Werkers op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Werkers op Zuid
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href$="activiteiten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Activiteiten"> Activiteiten </a>
Accessible name Activiteiten
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href$="partners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Partners"> Partners </a>
Accessible name Partners
Accessible description (no value)
Path div[aria-label="E-mail\:\ nprz\@rotterdam\.nl"] > a[href$="mailto\:nprz\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href=""></a>
Accessible name
Accessible description (no value)
Path .phone > a[href="tel\:\(010\)2672104"]
Snippet <a href="tel:(010)2672104">(010) 267 21 04</a>
Accessible name (010) 267 21 04
Accessible description (no value)
URL tel:(010)2672104
Path a[href="mailto\:marco\@marcopastors\.nl"]
Snippet <a href="">Marco Pastors (directeur)</a>
Accessible name Marco Pastors (directeur)
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href="mailto\:a\.kroos\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href="">Astrid Kroos (school en monitoring)</a>
Accessible name Astrid Kroos (school en monitoring)
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href="mailto\:jm\.lubbers\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href="">Bianca Lubbers (wonen en bestuur)</a>
Accessible name Bianca Lubbers (wonen en bestuur)
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href="mailto\:ki\.fraai\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href="">Karín Oostenbrink-Fraai (werk en communicatie)</a>
Accessible name Karín Oostenbrink-Fraai (werk en communicatie)
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href="mailto\:ep\.smits\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href="">Evronique Smits (project ondersteuner)</a>
Accessible name Evronique Smits (project ondersteuner)
Accessible description (no value)
Path .maillink.block.block-contact:nth-child(9) > a
Snippet <a href="">Edwin Cornelisse (communicatie)</a>
Accessible name Edwin Cornelisse (communicatie)
Accessible description (no value)
Path .maillink.block.block-contact:nth-child(10) > a
Snippet <a href="">Loes van der Wees (veiligheid)</a>
Accessible name Loes van der Wees (veiligheid)
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[href="mailto\:uk\.harkhoe\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href="">Sila Harkhoe (management assistent)</a>
Accessible name Sila Harkhoe (management assistent)
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Over\ NPRZ"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Over NPRZ"> Over NPRZ </a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Bestuur"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bestuur"> Bestuur </a>
Accessible name Bestuur
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Voor\ bewoners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voor bewoners"> Voor bewoners </a>
Accessible name Voor bewoners
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > .active[title="Contact"]
Snippet <a href="" class="active" title="Contact"> Contact </a>
Accessible name Contact
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Voortgangsrapportage"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voortgangsrapportage"> Voortgangsrapportage </a>
Accessible name Voortgangsrapportage
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Handelingsperspectieven"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Handelingsperspectieven"> Handelingsperspectieven </a>
Accessible name Handelingsperspectieven
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Zuid\ Werkt\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Zuid Werkt!"> Zuid Werkt! </a>
Accessible name Zuid Werkt!
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Kwaliteitssprong\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Kwaliteitssprong Zuid"> Kwaliteitssprong Zuid </a>
Accessible name Kwaliteitssprong Zuid
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(5) > a
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse"> Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse </a>
Accessible name Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(6) > a[title="Regiodeal\ Rotterdam\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid"> Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid </a>
Accessible name Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(7) > a[title="Documenten\ Dicht\ de\ Kloof\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Documenten Dicht de Kloof!"> Documenten Dicht de Kloof! </a>
Accessible name Documenten Dicht de Kloof!
Accessible description (no value)
Path a[title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"> Toegankelijkheidsverklaring </a>
Accessible name Toegankelijkheidsverklaring
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Persberichten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Persberichten"> Persberichten </a>
Accessible name Persberichten
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="In\ de\ media"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="In de media"> In de media </a>
Accessible name In de media
Accessible description (no value)
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Logo\'s\,\ foto\'s\ en\ filmpjes"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Logo's, foto's en filmpjes"> Logo's, foto's en filmpjes </a>
Accessible name Logo's, foto's en filmpjes
Accessible description (no value)
Path li:nth-child(1) > a[href="tel\:\(010\)2672104"]
Snippet <a href="tel:(010)2672104">(010) 267 21 04</a>
Accessible name (010) 267 21 04
Accessible description (no value)
URL tel:(010)2672104
Path li:nth-child(2) > a[href$="mailto\:nprz\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href=""></a>
Accessible name
Accessible description (no value)

Native widgets5 Passed

Widget function:0 Passed

If a native widget functions as a custom widget, it must have the appropriate ARIA widget role-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Instructions:5 Passed

If a native widget has a visible label or instructions, they must be programmatically determinable-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.5.35 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
Path #contact_name
Snippet <input type="text" id="contact_name" name="contact[name]" required="required" class="name" placeholder="Wat is uw naam?">
Element input type="text"
Accessible name Naam
Accessible description (no value)
Path #contact_phonenumber
Snippet <input type="text" id="contact_phonenumber" name="contact[phonenumber]" required="required" class="phonenumber" placeholder="Op welk nummer bent u te bereiken?">
Element input type="text"
Accessible name Telefoonnummer
Accessible description (no value)
Path #contact_email
Snippet <input type="email" id="contact_email" name="contact[email]" required="required" class="email" placeholder="Wat is uw e-mailadres?">
Element input type="email"
Accessible name E-mailadres
Accessible description (no value)
Path #contact_question
Snippet <textarea id="contact_question" name="contact[question]" required="required" class="question" placeholder="Uw vraag of reactie"></textarea>
Element textarea
Accessible name Uw vraag of reactie
Accessible description (no value)
Path #contact_save
Snippet <button type="submit" id="contact_save" name="contact[save]" class="button">Verstuur bericht</button>
Element button
Accessible name Verstuur bericht
Accessible description (no value)

Expected input:5 Passed

A native widget must have a label and/or instructions that identify the expected input-WCAG 3.3.25 Passed
Path #contact_name
Snippet <input type="text" id="contact_name" name="contact[name]" required="required" class="name" placeholder="Wat is uw naam?">
Element input type="text"
Accessible name Naam
Accessible description (no value)
Path #contact_phonenumber
Snippet <input type="text" id="contact_phonenumber" name="contact[phonenumber]" required="required" class="phonenumber" placeholder="Op welk nummer bent u te bereiken?">
Element input type="text"
Accessible name Telefoonnummer
Accessible description (no value)
Path #contact_email
Snippet <input type="email" id="contact_email" name="contact[email]" required="required" class="email" placeholder="Wat is uw e-mailadres?">
Element input type="email"
Accessible name E-mailadres
Accessible description (no value)
Path #contact_question
Snippet <textarea id="contact_question" name="contact[question]" required="required" class="question" placeholder="Uw vraag of reactie"></textarea>
Element textarea
Accessible name Uw vraag of reactie
Accessible description (no value)
Path #contact_save
Snippet <button type="submit" id="contact_save" name="contact[save]" class="button">Verstuur bericht</button>
Element button
Accessible name Verstuur bericht
Accessible description (no value)

Cues:5 Passed

If a native widget adopts certain interactive states, it must provide appropriate cues-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.25 Passed
Path #contact_name
Snippet <input type="text" id="contact_name" name="contact[name]" required="required" class="name" placeholder="Wat is uw naam?">
Element input type="text"
Accessible name Naam
HTML cues:
required required
ARIA cues (no value)
Path #contact_phonenumber
Snippet <input type="text" id="contact_phonenumber" name="contact[phonenumber]" required="required" class="phonenumber" placeholder="Op welk nummer bent u te bereiken?">
Element input type="text"
Accessible name Telefoonnummer
HTML cues:
required required
ARIA cues (no value)
Path #contact_email
Snippet <input type="email" id="contact_email" name="contact[email]" required="required" class="email" placeholder="Wat is uw e-mailadres?">
Element input type="email"
Accessible name E-mailadres
HTML cues:
required required
ARIA cues (no value)
Path #contact_question
Snippet <textarea id="contact_question" name="contact[question]" required="required" class="question" placeholder="Uw vraag of reactie"></textarea>
Element textarea
Accessible name Uw vraag of reactie
HTML cues:
required required
ARIA cues (no value)
Path #contact_save
Snippet <button type="submit" id="contact_save" name="contact[save]" class="button">Verstuur bericht</button>
Element button
Accessible name Verstuur bericht
HTML cues (no value)
ARIA cues (no value)

Autocomplete:3 Passed

Text fields that serve certain purposes must have the correct HTML5 autocomplete attribute-WCAG 1.3.53 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
Path #contact_name
Snippet <input type="text" id="contact_name" name="contact[name]" required="required" class="name" placeholder="Wat is uw naam?">
Input type text
Autocomplete (no value)
Path #contact_phonenumber
Snippet <input type="text" id="contact_phonenumber" name="contact[phonenumber]" required="required" class="phonenumber" placeholder="Op welk nummer bent u te bereiken?">
Input type text
Autocomplete (no value)
Path #contact_email
Snippet <input type="email" id="contact_email" name="contact[email]" required="required" class="email" placeholder="Wat is uw e-mailadres?">
Input type email
Autocomplete (no value)

Custom widgets6 Passed

Design pattern:1 Passed

A custom widget must have the appropriate ARIA widget role for its design pattern-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Widget role button
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -

Instructions:1 Passed

If a custom widget has a visible label or instructions, they must be programmatically determinable-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.5.31 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -
Accessible description -

Expected input:1 Passed

A custom widget must have a label and/or instructions that identify the expected input-WCAG 3.3.21 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -
Accessible description -

Role, state, property:1 Passed

A custom widget must support the ARIA roles, states, and properties specified by its design pattern-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -

Cues:1 Passed

If a custom widget adopts certain interactive states, it must communicate those states programmatically-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Widget role button
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
HTML cues -
ARIA cues -

Keyboard interaction:1 Passed

A custom widget must support the keyboard interaction specified by its design pattern-WCAG 2.1.11 Passed
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Design pattern Accordion, Button, Disclosure (Show/Hide), Menu Button
Accessible name -

Timed events4 Passed

Time limits:0 Passed

If a time limit is set by the content, the user must be able to turn off, adjust, or extend the time limit-WCAG 2.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

Moving content:0 Passed

If content moves, blinks, or scrolls automatically for more than five seconds, users must be able to pause, stop, or hide it-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Auto-updating content:0 Passed

If content updates automatically, users must be able to pause, stop, hide, or control frequency of the updates-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Audio control:0 Passed

If audio content plays automatically for longer than three seconds, users must be able to pause or mute it-WCAG 1.4.20 Passed
No matching instances

Errors / status4 Passed

Error identification:0 Passed

If an input error is automatically detected, the item in error must be identified, and the error described, in text-WCAG 3.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Error suggestion:0 Passed

If an input error is automatically detected, guidance for correcting the error must be provided-WCAG 3.3.30 Passed
No matching instances

Error prevention:0 Passed

If submitting data might have serious consequences, users must be able to correct the data input before finalizing a submission-WCAG 3.3.40 Passed
No matching instances

Status messages:0 Passed

Status messages must be programmatically determinable without receiving focus-WCAG 4.1.30 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Page navigation3 Passed

Page title:1 Passed

A web page must have a title that describes its topic or purpose-WCAG 2.4.21 Passed
Path html
Snippet <html lang="nl">
Page title Contact

Frame title:1 Passed

A frame or iframe must have a title that describes its content-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
Path iframe[title="reCAPTCHA"]
Snippet <iframe title="reCAPTCHA" src=";k=6LdcSsIUAAAAAHRKSxB-1RhjFnW6sOFb78y0zMzw&amp;co=aHR0cHM6Ly9ucHJ6Lm5sOjQ0Mw..&amp;hl=nl&amp;type=image&amp;v=Q_rrUPkK1sXoHi4wbuDTgcQR&amp;theme=light&amp;size=normal&amp;cb=ooeph3iki88w" width="304" height="78" role="presentation" name="a-t8d38atdflgw" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" sandbox="allow-forms allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation allow-modals allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox">
Frame title reCAPTCHA

Multiple ways:0 Passed

Users must have multiple ways to navigate to a page-WCAG 2.4.50 Passed
No matching instances

Parsing1 Passed

Parsing:0 Passed

Elements must have complete start and end tags, must not contain duplicate attributes, and must be nested according to their specifications-WCAG 4.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Images4 Passed

Image function:3 Passed

Every image must be coded as either meaningful or decorative-WCAG 1.1.13 Passed
Path a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"] > svg[width="\32 63"][height="\35 1"]
Snippet <svg width="263" height="51" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid logo
Path .bgimage
Snippet <span class="bgimage" style="background-image:url(&quot;/uploads/media/sulu-400x400-inset/06/196-foto%20kantoor%20nprz.jpg?v=1-0&quot;);"></span>
Image type CSS background-image
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name (no value)
Path .logo > svg[width="\32 63"][height="\35 1"]
Snippet <svg width="263" height="51" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
Coded as Decorative
ARIA role (no value)
Accessible name Nationaal Programma Rotterdam Zuid logo

Text alternative:0 Passed

A meaningful image must have a text alternative that serves the equivalent purpose-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Images of text:0 Passed

Images of text are allowed only where a specific appearance is required (e.g., logotypes)-WCAG 1.4.50 Passed
No matching instances

CAPTCHAs:0 Passed

If a CAPTCHA is used, alternative methods must be provided for both users without vision and users without hearing-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Language3 Passed

Language of page:0 Passed

A page must have the correct default language-WCAG 3.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Language of parts:0 Passed

If the language of a passage differs from the default language of the page, the passage must have its own language attribute-WCAG 3.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Text direction:0 Passed

If a page or a passage uses a script that is read right-to-left, it must have the correct text direction-WCAG 1.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Sensory4 Passed

Color as meaning:1 Passed

Color must not be used as the only visual means for conveying meaning-WCAG 1.4.11 Passed

Instructions:0 Passed

Instructions must not rely solely on color or other sensory characteristics-WCAG 1.3.30 Passed
No matching instances

Auditory cues:0 Passed

Auditory cues must be accompanied by visual cues-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Flashing:0 Passed

Web pages must not have content that flashes more than three times per second-WCAG 2.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Adaptable content7 Passed

High contrast mode:0 Passed

Websites and web apps must honor high contrast appearance settings and functions-SECTION 508 - 502.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Resize text:0 Passed

Users must be able to resize text, without using assistive technology, up to 200% with no loss of content or functionality-WCAG 1.4.40 Passed
No matching instances

Contrast:1 Passed

Text elements must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.31 Passed
Path h1
Snippet <h1 property="title">Contact</h1>
Text string Contact
Size large

Orientation:0 Passed

Web content must not be locked to a particular screen orientation-WCAG 1.3.40 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Reflow:0 Passed

Content must be visible without having to scroll in two dimensions-WCAG 1.4.100 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Text spacing:1 Passed

Users must be able to adjust text spacing with no loss of content or functionality-WCAG 1.4.121 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1

Hover / focus content:0 Passed

Content that appears on focus or hover must be dismissible, hoverable, and persistent-WCAG 1.4.130 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Audio / video2 Passed

Audio-only equivalent:0 Passed

Pre-recorded audio-only content must be accompanied by an equivalent text alternative-WCAG 1.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

Video-only equivalent:0 Passed

Pre-recorded video-only content must be accompanied by an equivalent text or audio alternative-WCAG 1.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

Multimedia5 Passed

Captions:0 Passed

Pre-recorded multimedia content must have captions-WCAG 1.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

No obstruction:0 Passed

Captions must not obscure or obstruct relevant information in the video-WCAG 1.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Audio description:0 Passed

Pre-recorded video with audio must have an audio description-WCAG 1.2.3WCAG 1.2.50 Passed
No matching instances

Synchronization:0 Passed

An audio description must be synchronized with the video content-WCAG 1.2.50 Passed
No matching instances

No conflict:0 Passed

An audio description must not conflict with audible information in the sound track-WCAG 1.2.50 Passed
No matching instances

Live multimedia1 Passed

Captions:0 Passed

Captions must be provided for live (streaming) video with audio-WCAG 1.2.40 Passed
No matching instances

Sequence3 Passed

CSS positioning:1 Passed

Meaningful content positioned on the page using CSS must retain its meaning when CSS is disabled-WCAG 1.3.21 Passed

Layout tables:0 Passed

The content in an HTML layout table must make sense when the table is linearized-WCAG 1.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Columns:0 Passed

Content presented in multi-column format must support a correct reading sequence-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 1.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Semantics8 Passed

CSS content:1 Passed

Meaningful content must not be implemented using only CSS :before or :after-WCAG 1.3.11 Passed

Table semantics:0 Passed

A <table> element must be coded correctly as a data table or a layout table-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Table headers:0 Passed

Coded headers must be used correctly-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Headers attribute:0 Passed

The headers attribute of a <td> element must reference the correct <th> element(s)-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Lists:0 Passed

Lists must be contained within semantically correct containers-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Emphasis:0 Passed

Words and phrases that are visually emphasized must be contained within semantically correct containers-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Quotes:0 Passed

The <blockquote> element must not be used to style non-quote text-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Letter spacing:0 Passed

Spacing characters must not be used to increase the space between letters in a word-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Pointer / motion3 Passed

Pointer gestures:0 Passed

Functions must be operable without requiring multipoint or path-based gestures-WCAG 2.5.10 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Pointer cancellation:0 Passed

Users must be able to cancel functions that can be operated using a single pointer-WCAG 2.5.20 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Motion operation:0 Passed

If a function can be operated through motion, it must also be operable through user interface components-WCAG 2.5.40 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Contrast3 Passed

UI components:43 Passed

Visual information used to identify active user interface components and their states must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.1143 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
Path .skip-to-content-link
Snippet <a href="#content" class="skip-to-content-link"> Ga naar inhoud </a>
Accessible name Ga naar inhoud
Element link
Path .desktop > a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"]
Snippet <a href="/" aria-label="Ga naar de homepagina">
Accessible name Ga naar de homepagina
Element link
Path a[title="Bewoners\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bewoners op Zuid"> Bewoners op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Bewoners op Zuid
Element link
Path a[title="Werkers\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Werkers op Zuid"> Werkers op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Werkers op Zuid
Element link
Path a[href$="activiteiten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Activiteiten"> Activiteiten </a>
Accessible name Activiteiten
Element link
Path a[href$="partners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Partners"> Partners </a>
Accessible name Partners
Element link
Path div[aria-label="E-mail\:\ nprz\@rotterdam\.nl"] > a[href$="mailto\:nprz\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href=""></a>
Accessible name
Element link
Path .phone > a[href="tel\:\(010\)2672104"]
Snippet <a href="tel:(010)2672104">(010) 267 21 04</a>
Accessible name (010) 267 21 04
Element link
Path a[href="mailto\:marco\@marcopastors\.nl"]
Snippet <a href="">Marco Pastors (directeur)</a>
Accessible name Marco Pastors (directeur)
Element link
Path a[href="mailto\:a\.kroos\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href="">Astrid Kroos (school en monitoring)</a>
Accessible name Astrid Kroos (school en monitoring)
Element link
Path a[href="mailto\:jm\.lubbers\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href="">Bianca Lubbers (wonen en bestuur)</a>
Accessible name Bianca Lubbers (wonen en bestuur)
Element link
Path a[href="mailto\:ki\.fraai\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href="">Karín Oostenbrink-Fraai (werk en communicatie)</a>
Accessible name Karín Oostenbrink-Fraai (werk en communicatie)
Element link
Path a[href="mailto\:ep\.smits\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href="">Evronique Smits (project ondersteuner)</a>
Accessible name Evronique Smits (project ondersteuner)
Element link
Path .maillink.block.block-contact:nth-child(9) > a
Snippet <a href="">Edwin Cornelisse (communicatie)</a>
Accessible name Edwin Cornelisse (communicatie)
Element link
Path .maillink.block.block-contact:nth-child(10) > a
Snippet <a href="">Loes van der Wees (veiligheid)</a>
Accessible name Loes van der Wees (veiligheid)
Element link
Path a[href="mailto\:uk\.harkhoe\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href="">Sila Harkhoe (management assistent)</a>
Accessible name Sila Harkhoe (management assistent)
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Over\ NPRZ"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Over NPRZ"> Over NPRZ </a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Bestuur"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bestuur"> Bestuur </a>
Accessible name Bestuur
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Voor\ bewoners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voor bewoners"> Voor bewoners </a>
Accessible name Voor bewoners
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > .active[title="Contact"]
Snippet <a href="" class="active" title="Contact"> Contact </a>
Accessible name Contact
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Voortgangsrapportage"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voortgangsrapportage"> Voortgangsrapportage </a>
Accessible name Voortgangsrapportage
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Handelingsperspectieven"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Handelingsperspectieven"> Handelingsperspectieven </a>
Accessible name Handelingsperspectieven
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Zuid\ Werkt\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Zuid Werkt!"> Zuid Werkt! </a>
Accessible name Zuid Werkt!
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Kwaliteitssprong\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Kwaliteitssprong Zuid"> Kwaliteitssprong Zuid </a>
Accessible name Kwaliteitssprong Zuid
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(5) > a
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse"> Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse </a>
Accessible name Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(6) > a[title="Regiodeal\ Rotterdam\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid"> Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid </a>
Accessible name Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(7) > a[title="Documenten\ Dicht\ de\ Kloof\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Documenten Dicht de Kloof!"> Documenten Dicht de Kloof! </a>
Accessible name Documenten Dicht de Kloof!
Element link
Path a[title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"> Toegankelijkheidsverklaring </a>
Accessible name Toegankelijkheidsverklaring
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Persberichten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Persberichten"> Persberichten </a>
Accessible name Persberichten
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="In\ de\ media"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="In de media"> In de media </a>
Accessible name In de media
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Logo\'s\,\ foto\'s\ en\ filmpjes"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Logo's, foto's en filmpjes"> Logo's, foto's en filmpjes </a>
Accessible name Logo's, foto's en filmpjes
Element link
Path li:nth-child(1) > a[href="tel\:\(010\)2672104"]
Snippet <a href="tel:(010)2672104">(010) 267 21 04</a>
Accessible name (010) 267 21 04
Element link
Path li:nth-child(2) > a[href$="mailto\:nprz\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href=""></a>
Accessible name
Element link
Path .facebook
Snippet <a class="facebook" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-facebook"></a>
Accessible name Facebook
Element link
Path .twitter
Snippet <a class="twitter" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-twitter"></a>
Accessible name Twitter
Element link
Path .instagram
Snippet <a class="instagram" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-instagram"></a>
Accessible name Instagram
Element link
Path .youtube
Snippet <a class="youtube" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-youtube"></a>
Accessible name Youtube
Element link
Path #contact_name
Snippet <input type="text" id="contact_name" name="contact[name]" required="required" class="name" placeholder="Wat is uw naam?">
Accessible name Naam
Element input type="text"
Path #contact_phonenumber
Snippet <input type="text" id="contact_phonenumber" name="contact[phonenumber]" required="required" class="phonenumber" placeholder="Op welk nummer bent u te bereiken?">
Accessible name Telefoonnummer
Element input type="text"
Path #contact_email
Snippet <input type="email" id="contact_email" name="contact[email]" required="required" class="email" placeholder="Wat is uw e-mailadres?">
Accessible name E-mailadres
Element input type="email"
Path #contact_question
Snippet <textarea id="contact_question" name="contact[question]" required="required" class="question" placeholder="Uw vraag of reactie"></textarea>
Accessible name Uw vraag of reactie
Element textarea
Path #contact_save
Snippet <button type="submit" id="contact_save" name="contact[save]" class="button">Verstuur bericht</button>
Accessible name Verstuur bericht
Element button
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Role button

State changes:43 Passed

Any visual information that indicates a component's state must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.1143 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
Path .skip-to-content-link
Snippet <a href="#content" class="skip-to-content-link"> Ga naar inhoud </a>
Accessible name Ga naar inhoud
Element link
Path .desktop > a[href="\/"][aria-label="Ga\ naar\ de\ homepagina"]
Snippet <a href="/" aria-label="Ga naar de homepagina">
Accessible name Ga naar de homepagina
Element link
Path a[title="Bewoners\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bewoners op Zuid"> Bewoners op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Bewoners op Zuid
Element link
Path a[title="Werkers\ op\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Werkers op Zuid"> Werkers op Zuid </a>
Accessible name Werkers op Zuid
Element link
Path a[href$="activiteiten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Activiteiten"> Activiteiten </a>
Accessible name Activiteiten
Element link
Path a[href$="partners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Partners"> Partners </a>
Accessible name Partners
Element link
Path div[aria-label="E-mail\:\ nprz\@rotterdam\.nl"] > a[href$="mailto\:nprz\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href=""></a>
Accessible name
Element link
Path .phone > a[href="tel\:\(010\)2672104"]
Snippet <a href="tel:(010)2672104">(010) 267 21 04</a>
Accessible name (010) 267 21 04
Element link
Path a[href="mailto\:marco\@marcopastors\.nl"]
Snippet <a href="">Marco Pastors (directeur)</a>
Accessible name Marco Pastors (directeur)
Element link
Path a[href="mailto\:a\.kroos\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href="">Astrid Kroos (school en monitoring)</a>
Accessible name Astrid Kroos (school en monitoring)
Element link
Path a[href="mailto\:jm\.lubbers\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href="">Bianca Lubbers (wonen en bestuur)</a>
Accessible name Bianca Lubbers (wonen en bestuur)
Element link
Path a[href="mailto\:ki\.fraai\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href="">Karín Oostenbrink-Fraai (werk en communicatie)</a>
Accessible name Karín Oostenbrink-Fraai (werk en communicatie)
Element link
Path a[href="mailto\:ep\.smits\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href="">Evronique Smits (project ondersteuner)</a>
Accessible name Evronique Smits (project ondersteuner)
Element link
Path .maillink.block.block-contact:nth-child(9) > a
Snippet <a href="">Edwin Cornelisse (communicatie)</a>
Accessible name Edwin Cornelisse (communicatie)
Element link
Path .maillink.block.block-contact:nth-child(10) > a
Snippet <a href="">Loes van der Wees (veiligheid)</a>
Accessible name Loes van der Wees (veiligheid)
Element link
Path a[href="mailto\:uk\.harkhoe\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href="">Sila Harkhoe (management assistent)</a>
Accessible name Sila Harkhoe (management assistent)
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Over\ NPRZ"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Over NPRZ"> Over NPRZ </a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Bestuur"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Bestuur"> Bestuur </a>
Accessible name Bestuur
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Voor\ bewoners"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voor bewoners"> Voor bewoners </a>
Accessible name Voor bewoners
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > .active[title="Contact"]
Snippet <a href="" class="active" title="Contact"> Contact </a>
Accessible name Contact
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Voortgangsrapportage"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Voortgangsrapportage"> Voortgangsrapportage </a>
Accessible name Voortgangsrapportage
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="Handelingsperspectieven"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Handelingsperspectieven"> Handelingsperspectieven </a>
Accessible name Handelingsperspectieven
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Zuid\ Werkt\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Zuid Werkt!"> Zuid Werkt! </a>
Accessible name Zuid Werkt!
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(4) > a[title="Kwaliteitssprong\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Kwaliteitssprong Zuid"> Kwaliteitssprong Zuid </a>
Accessible name Kwaliteitssprong Zuid
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(5) > a
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse"> Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse </a>
Accessible name Maatschappelijke Kosten Baten Analyse
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(6) > a[title="Regiodeal\ Rotterdam\ Zuid"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid"> Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid </a>
Accessible name Regiodeal Rotterdam Zuid
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(7) > a[title="Documenten\ Dicht\ de\ Kloof\!"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Documenten Dicht de Kloof!"> Documenten Dicht de Kloof! </a>
Accessible name Documenten Dicht de Kloof!
Element link
Path a[title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Toegankelijkheidsverklaring"> Toegankelijkheidsverklaring </a>
Accessible name Toegankelijkheidsverklaring
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(1) > a[title="Persberichten"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Persberichten"> Persberichten </a>
Accessible name Persberichten
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(2) > a[title="In\ de\ media"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="In de media"> In de media </a>
Accessible name In de media
Element link
Path .item-depth-5:nth-child(3) > a[title="Logo\'s\,\ foto\'s\ en\ filmpjes"]
Snippet <a href="" class="" title="Logo's, foto's en filmpjes"> Logo's, foto's en filmpjes </a>
Accessible name Logo's, foto's en filmpjes
Element link
Path li:nth-child(1) > a[href="tel\:\(010\)2672104"]
Snippet <a href="tel:(010)2672104">(010) 267 21 04</a>
Accessible name (010) 267 21 04
Element link
Path li:nth-child(2) > a[href$="mailto\:nprz\@rotterdam\.nl"]
Snippet <a href=""></a>
Accessible name
Element link
Path .facebook
Snippet <a class="facebook" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-facebook"></a>
Accessible name Facebook
Element link
Path .twitter
Snippet <a class="twitter" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-twitter"></a>
Accessible name Twitter
Element link
Path .instagram
Snippet <a class="instagram" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-instagram"></a>
Accessible name Instagram
Element link
Path .youtube
Snippet <a class="youtube" href="" target="_blank" aria-labelledby="label-youtube"></a>
Accessible name Youtube
Element link
Path #contact_name
Snippet <input type="text" id="contact_name" name="contact[name]" required="required" class="name" placeholder="Wat is uw naam?">
Accessible name Naam
Element input type="text"
Path #contact_phonenumber
Snippet <input type="text" id="contact_phonenumber" name="contact[phonenumber]" required="required" class="phonenumber" placeholder="Op welk nummer bent u te bereiken?">
Accessible name Telefoonnummer
Element input type="text"
Path #contact_email
Snippet <input type="email" id="contact_email" name="contact[email]" required="required" class="email" placeholder="Wat is uw e-mailadres?">
Accessible name E-mailadres
Element input type="email"
Path #contact_question
Snippet <textarea id="contact_question" name="contact[question]" required="required" class="question" placeholder="Uw vraag of reactie"></textarea>
Accessible name Uw vraag of reactie
Element textarea
Path #contact_save
Snippet <button type="submit" id="contact_save" name="contact[save]" class="button">Verstuur bericht</button>
Accessible name Verstuur bericht
Element button
Path .item-depth-1:nth-child(5) >[role="button"]
Snippet <a role="button" class="menu-toggle menu--toggle" href="#">Over NPRZ</a>
Accessible name Over NPRZ
Role button

Graphics:0 Passed

Graphics must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.110 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances